This is a guest post written by Iryna Ostapets
It is quite frustrating to find yourself in a situation when you experience a memory block out. Your memory does falter especially when you start growing old or when you are stressed. But having a poor memory is something that you can manage by practicing these simple tricks that will help sharpen your memory function.
1. Give meaning on codes
You inserted your ATM card into the ATM machine and you suddenly find yourself dumbfounded because you forgot your PIN. This may be a temporary mental block out but imagine how frustrating it could be. In order to improve your memory on coding information such as your PIN, user name and password for your financial or personal accounts, experts suggest to give meaning on codes to retain them in our long term memory. According to Dr. Zaldy Tan, the author of theAge-Proof Your Mind, unless you keep a meaning to an information, the brain will likely store it as part of your short term memory that you can easily fail to remember in the long term. Associating codes and passwords with relevant meaning such as birth dates of your loved ones will help the brain retain the information better.
2. Get enough sleep
A brain with enough rest and sleep is likely more active in memory retention and activities like problem solving and critical thinking. If you are sleep deprived, the brain does not function well and the memory falters. Research shows that the brain is able to recuperate while sleeping, making it more active and refreshed to function well the moment you wake up. Your memory is enhanced and the brain is able to perform efficiently in processing information in your mental state.
3. Bring more oxygen to the brain through exercise
Performing exercise is a brain stimulating activity because it brings more oxygen to the brain. As you do some physical activities, you improve the blood circulation in the body. Consequently, the blood carries oxygen to the brain helping it to be highly functional in carrying out its physiological functions such as an active brain function and enhanced memory.
4. Establish a routine and be organized
In case you forgot where you keep your wallet or car keys, you need not have to worry because you already established a routine where you usually keep things for easy retrieval. Being consistent is the key in order to help your memory retain this information. If for instance you routinely place your car key on a dish in a particular area of your home or your wallet in a particular drawer every day, you will not have any trouble in finding misplaced items because your brain is already accustomed of doing this same routine every day. Sometimes you need to establish a good routine and habit in order to maintain an active memory.
5. Remember words by using substitutes
Sometimes our mind could not instantly remember the words that we are trying to retrieve from our memory. It is too common for us to find ourselves saying “The word is at the tip of my tongue!” In order to help the brain retrieve the word in our memory, try to use substitute word that means the same to the word you are trying to recall or try to focus on images that would describe it. Soon enough, the word will just naturally show up in your mind. The trick is not to lose connection to the word you are trying to remember.
6. Be in control of stress
Stress is the greatest foe of the brain and memory. Whenever the mind and body are under stress, they lose their ability to function well resulting to poor thinking and delayed memory recall. Chronic stress occurs when a person is unable to control the causes of their stress and in the long term stressful condition could cause the brain to release harmful chemicals that could affect the brain cells. This eventually affects the hippocampus which is that part of the brain which is the seat of memory. Try to relax, learn to meditate and keep stress in check to prevent a memory lapse caused by stress.
7. Nourish the brain with brain boosting nutrients
The brain is not a machine. It needs a supply of energy in order to function well. That is why it is essential to feed the brain with brain boosting nutrients such as foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants. A healthy brain is functionally active in retrieving old memories and storing new ones.
8. Read and memorize aloud
Reading and memorizing something aloud will often do the trick of helping you activate your memory function. To some people, expressing their thoughts aloud makes it easier for them to remember something. If this trick works well for you then you are not precluded to give your brain some mental exercise by memorizing something aloud to keep it working. Just make sure it will not irritate someone else who can hear you!
9. Meditation is good for the brain
There are widely accepted studies that support the claim that meditation could cause some physical activities in the brain that enhance memory recall and function. Keeping the mind off from stress and letting it commune with the body and spirit peacefully is one way of maintaining mental health which can essentially improve your memory function.
About the Author:
Iryna Ostapets is a health writer and blogger that advocating health news via online exposures. She is really interested in healthy living and sport. She would like to help people to stay healthy and happy via the change of the lifestyle. She really likes writing about natural health, nutrition, fitness, healthy tips and beauty. She runs her own site: RaiPharamcies. She has a master’s degree in English and builds experience in the Medical Writing. She had an advanced training in the medical field. Now Iryna earns continuing education certificates from the AMWA.
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OF recent months I have got into meditating and I must say it is fantastic for a lot of reasons to quiet the mind and it is so amazing how you can get the brain to recall. When I meditate I remember things that I did not even know were there. These are all great tips and all so valid thank you
love reading this article. Actually, i do implement some of the tricks. It is really worked. I’ve attended memory improvement 2 years back.
Excellent post. You won’t be surprise to know that I like #3 and #4 the best! Truly, exercise is the magic pill we’ve all wanted. And if people knew what junk food does to the brain, they’d get off it!
Hi Alexandra,
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