I stumbled across a few motivational YouTube videos as well as blog post articles of Seth Godin recommending blogging daily for 30 days, and I decided to give it a try.
I am doing this challenge for self-improvement in the following areas: writing, business, communication, and content creation. And of course, I want to have a good steady flow of articles published to help anyone who finds my site.
Seth Godin recommends that we not tell anyone about the challenge. Initially, I decided to only blog daily on my other site, but I had a change of mind and will publish daily here too.
I am writing this post to warn you that https://evelynparham.com will be updated with new blog posts for 30 days straight, starting Monday, April 2, 2018
What to Expect
Daily articles will be at least 300 words. I anticipate writing at least one (could be more) long-form article and publishing it on Mondays. I hope you decide to stick around because I plan to let my thoughts and writing flow with little to no filter.
After completing the challenge, I plan to keep writing daily. Not sure about hitting the publish button each time, but I will write. Who knows, I just might be one of those bloggers publishing blog posts every day.
Daily Email Updates
I do not want to lose any of you as readers, but this is something I have to do.
If receiving daily emails from me is not something you want, you can unsubscribe. I understand if you decide to opt-out.
Don’t want daily emails? Then consider grabbing my RSS feed and adding it to your favorite reader.
Final Words
I will leave you with these words from a blog post written by Seth Godin, The Ruckusmaker Day:
Committing to having a point of view and scheduling a time and place to say something is almost certainly going to improve your thinking, your attitude and your trajectory.
A daily blog is one way to achieve this. Not spouting an opinion or retweeting the click of the day. Instead, outlining what you believe and explaining why.
Commit to articulating your point of view on one relevant issue, one news story, one personnel issue. Every day. Online or off, doesn’t matter. Share your taste and your perspective with someone who needs to hear it.
Speak up. Not just tomorrow, but every day.
A worthwhile habit.”
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Discussion: If you have any topics, questions, or concerns you want me to blog about, let me know in the comments. – Thank you!
Man… I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Jan Zac is a spam comment… not real… the way you can tell is that he (she?) didn’t address anything you wrote in your article. Part of the phrasing also appears on over 2,300 websites… the exact same sentences. I thought you should know.
As for your quest, I applaud you. As you know, I tackle this sort of thing every once in a while on my blogs. I’ve even done it a couple of times on my YouTube channels, and I’m thinking about doing it for April, as there’s a number of people who participate in what’s known as VEDA, which of course is a video every day in April. 🙂
Hey Mitch!
Wow, I checked out his website and thought I recognized him from Twitter, but I was wrong. Oh, well thank you for telling me.
Yeah, I’ve heard of VEDA. I have never done a VEDA, but I might do it later in the year.
Take care!
Go Evelyn! 🤗
Thanks, Ms. Carolyn! 🙂