I received the Happy 101 Award from Blessed Mama. She shares great vegan recipes. So whenever you have a chance check her out.
First, let’s take a look at the definition of happy.
happy: 1: favored luck or fortune: fortunate 2: notably fitting, effective, or well adapted: felicitous 3 a: enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment.
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary
Thank you Blessed Mama for considering me for the Happy 101 Award!
The award works like this: List 10 things that make you happy and pass this award to 10 other fellow bloggers who make you happy. *Make sure you share their links.
Before I begin, let me state, that I have more than 10 blogs that make my day, but for the sake of this award I will stick with 10.
10 Things that make me happy
- My daughter’s beautiful smiling face.
- People showing genuine concern for others.
- Seeing an elderly husband and wife holding hands.
- Seeing a young man hold open the door for a young lady.
Going to the Farmers Market and seeing all the wonderful produce that I can buy.
Hearing a child say yes sir/no sir.
Someone calling just to say hello.
The laughter of all children.
To see other ladies with natural hair. no chemical alterations, just the hair that they were born with.
Putting Some of Marguerite’s Magic on my hair. The smell is heavenly.
10 Blogs that make me happy
- Kissie @ Just Kissie – Kissie’s blog consists of posts by a new grandma, new vegan lifestyle and various other topics. Each time I see her avatar, I can’t help but smile.
Jean @ Virgin Blogger Notes – Jean provides inspiration and information for beginning bloggers. She will draw you in whenever you read her articles. Jean is one of the top commentators on my blog.
Ching @ Social at Blogging Tracker – Ching shares comprehensive social media guides to optimize network and branding experience. She is an excellent networker and I always learn from her.
Chocolate Orchid – CO shares information about healthy eating, natural hair and her thoughts on life. She has a beautiful healthy hair and a great list of products that she uses.
Nathalie @ Raw Foods Witch – Nathalie shares information that will get you started on the right foot with raw foods. No fluff, just pure and simple. Such a sweet lady!
Ali @ Souful Body & Mind – Ali takes a holistic approach towards self-empowerment and improvement. Ali is very supportive and is the top commentator on my blog.
Wayne @ Wayne’s Business and Pleasure – Wayne shares information about business and has a Blogger Atlas with helpful blogger links. Get your Blogger Atlas free. Wayne is unforgettable!
Healthy Opal @ I’m Celebrating Life – Opal is a vegan mom who writes about nutrition, fitness and technology. She is very supportive and is one of the top commentators on my blog.
Christianna @ Vegan Transformation – Christianna is a plant-based dietitian who shows you how to transform yourself and the planet. Looking to transform, then check out Christianna.
Jennifer @ Pen and Prosper – Jennifer’s blog is devoted to supporting and advancing you in your writing career. She provides inspiration and information to move you forward and keep you stay grounded. Remarkable writer!
Enjoy and have fun!
I can’t believe I missed this post, Evelyn! My bad, I only found out today and imagine my surprise! I can’t thank you enough for the link love and I truly appreciate your friendship and support all these whiles. You make me happy too for being You! 🙂 Keep us all updated with your healthy tips, we need it!
Social/Blogging Tracker
Hey Ching,
No problem, I totally understand.
Thank you so much!
Take care,
What a great surprise to be included here! I love this idea. Thanks for sharing the luv.:-)
Hi Jennifer,
You’re very welcome! 🙂
Hallo Evelyn,
Well, just dropped in to say thanks for your comment on Famous Bloggers – it’s a nice happy post above and it definitely cheers me up to be able to say that 3 of the 10 blogs that you mention are already at Noaspa 2.0 …
…and helping to spread the word about aspartame & sodium fluoride a little further.
Well, of course, your site would be very welcome at Noaspa 2.0 too – and I hope to see it there one fine, happy day in the not-so-distant future!
Ok, off to check some of the other happy sites right now, I’m sure that if you recommend them that they must be good …
Very best wishes from Hamburg
Hey Will,
Good to see you!
You’re welcome! I’ll be glad to be at Noaspa 2.0. I appreciate the invite! 🙂
Take care and have a great day!
Oh what a nice surprise, I had no idea I was included on this list. I’ve been taking a blogging visit/writing break.
I really enjoy your ten things list, those are all things that make me happy too.
Outside of your #1 thing, which happens to be mine too, my daughter is always making me smile! I have to say #9 is a close second. I love seeing natural sisters. People who’ve decided they aren’t going to accept what society thinks is beautiful and realized being chemical free is indeed beautiful and healthier too since chemicals can be absorbed more quickly into the body (through our skin) than by the foods we consume.a
Seeing natural heads walking around, really lifts my spirit. There is nothing more powerful and beautiful than a strong healthy head of natural hair. 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Evelyn,
This is the first pass-it-on type thing I have seen for bloggers. What a really great concept. I like it. I think I will do it for the Living Legacy blog.
Glad to read that you are happy and to learn a little bit more about you!
Hi Tia,
Yes it is! I use to have an active blog on blogger and that’s where they do this the most. I don’t see it done too much on Word Press.
That would be cool.
Thanks for stopping by!
Take care,
Thank you so much for including me 🙂
It’s good to be able to list out the things that make you happy, that way you can try to experiene them more often! All that’s always a good thing.
Wayne, you welcome!
Keep up the good work! 🙂
Awww, I smile first – because of you! You are MY sister, sistah!
Thanks for including me, seriously.
Evelyn, you are so sweet! We will definitely have to meet up one day soon! 😉
Take care!
Evelyn, you are getting more and more recognition and you truly deserve everything that comes your way. Whenever you are doing what you are suppose to be doing, opportunities and confirmation comes in heaps. You are wonderful!
I appreciate the mention and recognition, also. You are a very considerate being and I love that part of your personality.
3. Seeing an elderly husband and wife holding hands. (gets me everytime!)
BTW: Great new designs!!!!
Hey Ali, its good to see you! Thank you so much and the feeling is mutual! 😉
Yeap, the elderly husband and wife holding hands is such a special thing!
Glad you like the new design..thanks for stopping by!
LOL haha umm.. so u mean i don’t make you happy?? ok no probz!!!! that dosen’t mean i will not continue to make you happy! Nice post take care. i guess you are happy??
Samuel, you are a character. I’m not always happy, but I try to be.
Thanks for stopping by!
Take care!
Evelyn, I was reading your post and getting ready to write a note of congrats to you for receiving the Happy 101 award when I noticed you had given the award to me (!)
What a delightful surprise!
Congratulations on receiving this award. Your blog and your writing definitely bring more happiness to the world.
And thank you for passing it along to me. I am very honored.
You’re very welcome! 😉
Take care!
What a sweet post to find in my Google Reader on a Monday morning. Thank you for sharing and spreading happiness, Evelyn!
Hey Jean,
You’re welcome!
A sweet post for a sweet lady! 😉
Take care!
I like some of your 10 things that make you happy. My personal best is about elder husband walking with wife arms in arms. Even I know the feeling how it feels when you see one on the streets or park.
Thanks for the all the reference list of blogs that you kept too.
Hi Sudeep,
Yeah, the elderly couple is the sweetest site to see.
Thank you for stopping by!
Take care!