Today, March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day. Since Down syndrome is intimately a part of my life, I decided to write a blog post for awareness and to celebrate the day.
I share with you a joyful girl, named Hannah, enjoying life on her terms.
About Down Syndrome
Down syndrome/Trisomy 21 is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of extra genetic material on the 21st pair of chromosomes.
Down syndrome is associated with physical growth delays, speech delays, characteristic facial features, and mild to moderate intellectual disability.

About Hannah
We received Hannah’s diagnosis after she was born. As a first-time mother, I did not know what to expect for her future, but I knew I had a beautiful baby and that I would love her and treat her like I would any typical baby.
Sidenote: Each baby needs love, stimulation, and attention regardless.
Most babies with Down syndrome are born with heart defects, which could result in surgery, but Hannah did not require surgery.
Although she had a hole in her heart, it closed by the time she was 2-years old.
As Hannah started reaching milestones, I was amazed how physically strong she was. She must have been lifting weights inside the womb or something.
Hannah listened to music in-utero and after she was born. She started banging on the keyboard when she was around 2-3 years old. She could not talk, but she banged it out on the keyboard.

Teaching Hannah
I introduced Hannah to letters, colors, numbers, and all the kinds of things that parents expose their children at an early age.
I distinctly remember showing her the colors and repeating them, while she just looked and listened. I thought to myself, “Will she ever get this?” Little did I know she knew her colors, she just could not verbally say them.
It wasn’t until we officially started homeschooling Hannah when I realized she knew everything we taught her to when she was a toddler.
Hannah learned to read when she was 6-years old, something I never thought would happen as fast as it did. Can you believe her favorite subject is math?

Favorite Past Times
Hannah’s favorite places to go are speech therapy and music. She adores her speech therapist and music teacher.
Hannah is learning to play the piano and is a fast learner. She rarely practices, but somehow when she has her lesson, she knows her stuff.
Sidenote: She loves singing.

The Joyful Girl
Some people think that all, persons with Down syndrome are happy and joyful, but that is not the case. Each person who has Down syndrome is unique, just like any other human being.
No matter where we go, Hannah speaks to other children and even adults. She smiles, waves, and says, “Hello, how are you doing?”
Sometimes, when I’m feeling down Hannah senses it and will rub my shoulder, give me a hug and a kiss. She has no idea that I am down, but I guess she can feel my spirit.
I hope Hannah continues being a kind, loving, and joyful person. I am grateful that Hannah is my daughter.

Wonderful story about sweet and beautiful Hannah! You haven’t seen anything yet. I truly believe Hannah is destined for great things! There are no limits, God is with her, and she is blessed to have kind, giving and loving parents!
Blessings to each of you in Jesus’ name!!
Hey Ms. Carolyn!
Aww…thank you so much! I truly appreciate kind words.
Many blessings to you!