Has there been a time in your life when you had to deal with something, but all you could do is keep going? Well, today, I want you to know my story.
Those of you who follow my blog know that I am a private person. Today, I am transparent. If you live long enough, you will experience things in life that will knock the wind out of your sail; leaving you with lots of questions.
Lately, I am spending time with my family and doing things that matter. One of the main reasons is because of my daughter.
My daughter had her annual checkup. Her doctor referred her to the Children’s Health Care of Atlanta (Cancer and Blood Disorders) for further testing.
I had a lot of what-ifs that filled my thoughts, but all I could do was pray and not worry.
What I Did When Life Got Tough
I cried. Crying helped me relieve the tension. And then I confided in a few people who I trust.
I also fasted and prayed that everything would be well with my daughter.
One of the most important things I did was ask God to give me more patience with my daughter and for Him to help me be a better mother.
I stepped away from spending unnecessary amounts of time on the internet and social media.
Living life and sharing it with those we love is one of the most important things we can ever do.
I will never get the time back that I wasted online. However, the time I spend with family and close friends means more than words can describe; it is time I will always treasure.
What I Learned When Life Got Tough
I learned some lessons, and here they are:
- I learned more about others. Tough times bring out the best and the worse in people. It is during these times when we learn who cares. Actions honestly speak louder than words. These days, I watch the actions of people more than I listen to their words.
- Focused on my relationship with God. The experience brought me closer to God and taught me to trust Him even more. My relationship with God is more important than any earthly relationship and trusting God is the key to getting through life.
- Time is valuable. Time is precious, and when it is gone, it is gone. That is why it is so important to spend time wisely and make every second of every minute count. Especially with the ones we love and cherish.
- Be gentle with everyone. Be mindful of the words you say to others. It is so important that the words we say whether spoken or written, uplift, inspire and bring joy to others. Because we never know the battle the next person is fighting.
Final Words
The hematologist gave my daughter a clean bill of health. I am thankful that she is doing well and for the lessons, I learned throughout the entire experience.
I shared a few lessons I learned, but you know there is more, but I chose the most important ones of all.
The experience I had with my daughter helped me do what I needed to do to keep going. I looked within, and I am so glad I did.
Life isn’t life until you live it.
Take care of you!
Life is unpredictable, but we can enjoy the little things. I always prefer to focus on small happiness which leads to a healthy life. Yes, I do have big goals in life. but that is far from reality for now.
Hi Nishant, you are right, life is unpredictable. Thanks for stopping by!! 🙂
Hi Evelyn , God is awesome
I Love you and give Hannah a big Kiss for me
Hey, Ms. Rhonda!
Yes, ma’am God is awesome!!
I love you and thanks for gracing this page with your presence.
God bless you!! 🙂
blessing to you and yours thank you for sharing ♥♥♥♥♥
Hey, TeaJaeJae!!! 🙂
I am happy you stopped by and left a comment.
Thank you and blessings to you!!
Wow! Such a great post, advice, and lesson!
I was feeling down, but after reading you I realized how much depth your words had! 🙂
I really thank you from the bottom of my heart and pray to Allah (God) to grant you and your family, esp. your daughter, good health, ease, happiness, and success in this world as well as the hereafter, āmīn! 😀
Keep me, my family and friends, and everyone else in your prayers. 🙂
Take care. Peace be on you.
Hi, and welcome! 🙂
I am glad you are feeling better! 🙂
Wishing you the best.
Thank you for your kind words!
Blessings and peace to you.
Have a great week!!
Great post Evelyn. Thanks for sharing. I’m glad your daughter is doing well. Praise God! Take care.
Hi Christina!
Thank you so much!
To God be the glory. 🙂
Have a wonderful week!!
God is so awesome! I! I love your transparency and the beautiful woman you are! God bless you and your sweet family abundantly!!
Hey Ms. Carolyn!!
Yes, God is truly awesome!
God bless you. Hugs and love to you!!