Do you realize that it is easy to get addicted to the internet? Well it is? Is it healthy? I think not.
There was a time when I just couldn’t stay off the internet. I especially liked watching You Tube videos, but now I limit my time on certain sites. After the time is up, I turn off the computer and do other things that I enjoy doing that are not internet related.
Many people get on the internet and have online acquaintances, because it relieves stress and helps you forget your problem. I say online acquaintances, because it is easy to call everyone your friend online, when that might not be the case.
When you spend more time on the internet than you do in the real world, then you probably addicted to the internet. Granted, some people make a living online, but even those people know when to turn off the computer and walk away.
Are You Addicted to the Internet?
You’re probably wondering if there is a such thing as internet addiction. No need to wonder about this any longer, here are some ways to know if you are addicted to the internet:
- You check your email a zillion times a day.
- The first thing you do upon waking from a good night’s rest, is turn on the computer and get on the internet
- You constantly check social networking sites to see what others are saying. You don’t want to miss anything.
- You spend more time talking to online acquaintances or friends than you do your own family and friends (offline).
- You spend hours online without taking any breaks in between.
- Whenever you get stressed, you log on the internet to get your mind off the problem.
- You constantly check your email, Facebook and other social networking sites from your cell phone.
I listed a few ways off the top of my head, but I am sure there is more.
Kicking the Internet Addiction
What to do, what to do? Well, the first thing you must do is admit that an addiction exists. Once you admit that you have a problem, then start doing something about it.
Excessive amounts of time spent on the internet cannot be healthy. Think about it, if you’re spending excessive amounts of time on the internet, when do you have time to sit back and enjoy a meal, exercise, or even quiet your mind? You never do! The mind is always on go.
Here are some things you can do to end your internet addiction:
- Admit you have an internet addiction.
- Set aside a certain time that you will be on the internet and stick with that time. No cheating!
- Don’t eat while on the internet. Enjoy your meal and savor every bite, without reading the latest tweet from those your follow.
- Don’t get too personal with people online. It is easy to do, but I’ve learned, everybody doesn’t need to know everything about you.
- Take a digital sabbatical. Don’t turn on your computer, stay away from it. Try this on the weekends.
- Go for a walk and breath in the fresh air. Enjoy nature.
- Spend time with your family and friends. Make this something that you always do.
- Watch your favorite TV shows.
- Exercise helps you feel better, not to mention it helps with stress.
- Read those books you’ve put off reading for a while.
- Dust off your hobbies and interests. Pick them up and run with them. You never know where those hobbies and interests can take you.
Internet addiction is real and it is not healthy at all. Some people lose themselves in the internet. Never lose who you are no matter if it is on the internet or off the internet. Too much of anything can never be a good thing.
It is up to you to recognize the signs and do what you must do to correct the problem.
Healthy living is where it’s at. If you are spending more time on the internet, then how can you be living a healthy lifestyle?
Healthy living is more than just what you eat. If any part of you is out of balance holistically, then other things will be out of balance too.
Know when to take a break from the internet. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you.
I’m used to it and in fact I uses it daily for my blog but not in the sense that I’m really addicted to it. It’s just that it’s being part of my job and that’s what it takes for me to earn.
Hey Yena,
Yeah, I totally understand that. I do the same for myself, but I try to take a break from the internet on the weekends.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Evelyn,
Thanks for such an informative post on internet addiction. I agree with you that a person can get addicted very easily. However, it is possible to break from that addiction by first admitting that your are addicted, then take the steps outlined to reverse it. Great post.
Hi Sonia,
Yes, admitting there is a problem is the first step to beating the addiction.
Thanks for chiming in!
Good Post, I actually just took a break from twitter and facebook for a week just to se if i had an addiction, its just hard when you work as a web/graphic/programmer designer so i’m constantly on the internet for work but i figure when your off the clock enjoying the things before that made you happy before all the social network booms are really the best things in life.
Hi Terrell,
Yeah, I know it’s hard especially when you work on the web. Taking break from it all when you’re off the clock is always a good thing. 😉
Take care,
I’ve always used the internet more than others growing up, but as I’ve began to work from the internet, I find myself making more of an effort to meet friends and family in person instead of the occasional chat over Facebook 🙂
I think in our day and age everyone is addicted to the internet. My husband is glued to his iphone because he is using it for internet. I am glued to my MAC day and night. I don’t really check facebook too much, but my email and youtube – yes, I have a problem. But I also get a lot of work done this way.
I’m not sure I would want to be without internet, but it is nice sometimes to get away from it.
Hey Tatianna!
Yeah, you’re right! We’re in the technology age and it’s hard not to be addicted.
I didn’t have internet access for 3 weeks and I thought I would lose it. It revealed to me how addicted I was and that live goes on. Now that I have internet back up, I still spend a lot of time plugged in, but when I’m not plugged in, I feel good. And I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.
Thanks for sharing and stopping by!
Oh dear I am addicted. Thanks for making me realize it though 🙂
Hey Johnny!
I think we all are to a certain extent. 🙂
Thanks for chiming in!
I think I cannot consider my self as internet addict since I am only visiting online if I read blogs… But I can say, I am computer games addict! Lol!
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for chiming in!