My goal for 2013 is to eat an alkaline diet and have not set a start date. I am doing my research and preparing for the dietary change. I am sharing with you the information I learn from my research.
You learned about the foods to avoid when following an alkaline diet and in this post you will learn the foods you should eat when following and alkaline diet.
In this post I share with you what Dr. Robert Young, author of The pH Miracle recommends.
What To Eat
Vegetables are the main focus of your diet. The meals you eat should consist of a high percentage of vegetables.
Grasses are nutrient-dense, in fact more so, than vegetables. Examples of grasses are barley grass, wheat grass, and alfalfa. Grasses are good sources of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps regenerate the body at the molecular and cellular levels.
Low-Carbohydrate Vegetables
Examples of low-carbohydrate vegetables are: asparagus, broccoli, greens of all kinds, okra, peas (fresh), sprouted grains or beans or seeds.
Eat grains and legumes in limited amounts because they are high in complex carbohydrates.
Raw Foods
Cooking foods destroys the enzymes. The more uncooked (raw) vegetables you eat the better it is for you. Raw foods have energy or living enzymes that gets transferred to you when you eat raw foods.
Fresh, Organic Foods
Organic foods are not exposed to harmful pesticides and other chemicals used to help in growing food. Organic foods have higher amounts of nutrients than conventional (non-organic) foods.
If you have a concern with the price of organics foods, you can focus on buying organic foods that are on the dirty dozen’s list.
Drinking clean, pure water is important in having a healthy pH and a healthy body. Make sure stay hydrated.
Non-animal Protein
You do not have to worry about getting enough protein, because there is protein in plants. Vegetables have amino acids which are the building blocks of protein.
Eating a variety of vegetables, grasses, green and dark green leafy vegetables helps you get the essential amino acids that you need. Do not skimp on the greens.
Dr. Young says that including soy in your diet is a smart addition to your diet as a source of protein and a variety of nutrients.
Fresh soy sprouts or a soy sprouts supplement are best. Other soy foods you can eat include: soy beans, edamame, tofu, soy bean oil, and lecithin.
Note: Some people avoid soy and do know that eating soy is not necessary. However, if you choose to eat soy, stick with the traditional forms of soy foods.
Fresh Fish (Occasionally, or as a Transition Food)
If you choose to eat fish make sure it is fresh(newly caught) and from a clean (unpolluted water), healthy source. Choose salmon, trout, red snapper, swordfish, and tuna for higher levels of omega-3 oils, but be sure to avoid shellfish.
Essential Fats
Eat healthy fats and not the fat that clogs arteries. Saturated fats and partially hydrogenated fats clog the arteries.
Examples of healthy fats are: flax, borage, evening primrose, grape seed, and hemp oil. Olive oil is also beneficial and it is mostly monounsaturated. Be sure that you buy cold-pressed oils, which are oils extracted without the use of heat.
Sprouts are full of vitamins, minerals and complete proteins. Sprouts are living plant foods that can transfer life energy to you.
Herbs and Spices
Use fresh herbs and spices, when possible. They provide flavor and nutrition. Herbal teas are also beneficial.
The fiber in the vegetables are lost when juiced. However, vegetable juices help your body get a greater concentration of alkaline salts, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and enzymes.
Lemons, Limes and Grapefruit
Lemons, limes and grapefruit are chemically acid, but once in the body, they have an alkaline effect.
Tomato and Avocado
The tomato and avocado when eaten raw are alkalizing and low in sugar. Avocados are beneficial and have protein.
Source of Information: The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health
Image courtesy of Carlos Porto /
Thanks for providing a list of foods that are good for alkaline diet.Maintaining balance between alkalinizing and acidic foods is necessary. I’m not quite sure if I can proceed with a no-meat diet 🙁
Hi Aisha,
You do not have to avoid meat to eat an alkaline diet. Meat is acidic, but when following an alkaline diet, you cannot eat a lot of it (meat). That is my understanding. Eat more foods that are alkaline and less of those foods that are acidic.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Evelyn 🙂
I agree with the studies you´ve done on a healthy diet.
The only thing missing could be adding a good quality white or green tea to your diet. These contain vitamins and minerals as well as clean out any impurities in your body.
Thanks for a great site 🙂
Hi Allan,
Thanks for sharing. I do have some green tea and I’ll be sure to drink it regularly. 😉
Welcome to the blog and thank for stopping by!
Dang no meat OR potatoes? Can’t do it. i think I’ll focus on just eating balanced and cutting out the sweets.
Gotta start somewhere right? 🙂 (crawling)
LOL… It’s going to be hard for me because I love potatoes. 🙂 But we’ll see.
You can still eat an alkaline diet while eating meat. You just have to eat a small amount of it because it is acidic. I know you can do that. 😉
Hi Evelyn..I’ve been looking for a list like this and your’s is great. I’ve noticed that when I ate at my very worst, I was eating very acidic foods and it showed in my health. When I started eating healthier with more plant-based foods, they were naturally alkaline and I felt at my best health-wise. I also want to focus on more alkaline foods this year because they are the healthiest for us. Thanks! Karielyn
Hi Karielyn!
I love the way you spell your name.
What you are saying is so true! Thanks for sharing and chiming in.
Best wishes to you in the new year!
Nice! This is a extensive listing and is very thorough. The only thing I have a concern with, which you highlighted, is soy. Even though soy is a good vegetable protein source, I decline to eat it because it is high in estrogen, and the soy here in the States is highly (GMO) genetically modified, along with corn. Long term tests are showing that GMO corn is producing high levels of cancer in test mice, so it should be the same with soy.
The approach to eating you have outlined with make a person lose weight, alkalize the body, and revitalize his or her health.
Hey Aqiyl!
Thanks for adding to the conversation and sharing!
I wasn’t aware about the GMO corn information (cancer in test mice). I’m not a corn fan anyway, I can do without it.
Take care and have a great new year!
Evelyn, great post as usual. You have encouraged me to make the time and finish reading Dr. Young’s book. I always feel rejuvenated after reading your posts. Thank you!
Hi Ms. Carolyn,
Thanks for stopping by!
Glad that I’ve encouraged you to finish the book. 🙂
Awww…thanks a lot!
Have a great new year!