It’s that time again; one of my favorite times. Time to share some life lessons I learned in 2015.
Looking back on this year, I learned a lot of lessons, but I will share those lessons that touched me the most.
Are you ready to take a life lessons ride with me? Let’s roll!
#1. Someone is always watching you.
You may think that no one is paying attention to you, but when you least expect it; someone tells you about your growth and changes.
Always do your best, because you never know who’s actually watching you.
#2. Consistency pays off.
Keep doing what you do; never stop. Something will eventually happen for your good, but you have to stick with it.
Don’t ever give up too soon, because you might miss your blessings. Stay consistent, even when it seems like no one is watching or listening to you.
#3. Transparency takes you a long way in life.
It is always a good thing when you are transparent because people are not afraid of connecting with you; which leads to building trust.
If you are not transparent with others; then you cannot expect anyone to take what you do seriously.
Be your authentic self and those who like what they see, will draw to you without you even trying.
“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” ~ Oscar Wilde
#4. Tell your loved ones that you love them and show it.
Always express your love for those you love because you never know what tomorrow brings.
This year my favorite uncle, the uncle who always makes me smile, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. After I learned about the diagnosis; I was quiet.
I carried what I felt within my mind, heart, and spirit. I don’t know what to say to him, but the most important things I can ever say to him is that “I love you, admire you and I have the utmost respect for you.”
I wrote it, but after I publish this post, I will definitely tell him.
My uncle is doing very well.
#5. Do not feel bad when people stop following you.
This lesson is really meant for those of us who put ourselves out here online in hopes of making connections that ultimately lead to great opportunities.
When someone stops following you on social media, opts out of your email list, or cuts ties with you, don’t let it stop you from doing what you love.
Instead, let it be your driving force to do more and be more.
#6. It pays to follow your gut.
Sometimes we don’t understand why our gut tells us not to do something. I guess we think our gut is not as smart as we are, but our gut is actually smarter than we are. Always follow your gut’s lead, because it is usually the best thing for you to do.
The gut knows the way; follow it.
#7. Let go of anything that breaks your spirit.
I wrote about deleting my Facebook account and shared the reasons why I decided to let it go. I deleted my account because it was something that I needed to do.
I wasted time and let what I saw on the site upset my spirit. The break away from Facebook helped me focus my time, attention, and energy on improving myself.
I stayed away for almost 6 months. I recently opened a new Facebook account, but now I use the site with a calculated purpose. I control it; it does not control me.
#8. When I compare myself to others, it decreases my creativity.
If I am always comparing myself to others, I will never do what I am destined to do.
When you are busy creating, you don’t have the time to compare yourself to what others are doing or not doing.
Creativity takes courage. Dare to step out, do what you do best, and work it well.
Final Words
These are the eight most important life lessons I learned in 2015. This is the year in which I let my voice be heard and spoke my mind to others without fear.
They say when you get in your forties that you don’t really care about what others say, think, or do. I am at that place in my life and it feels so good!
Let’s ride into 2016 with smiles on our faces, with thanksgiving in our hearts, embracing uncertainties with openness.
Understanding and realizing that no matter what life throws our way, we will be just fine.
Thank you for riding with me in 2015!
Have a wonderful year in 2016 and abundant blessings.
That post was a great inspiration for me Love you all and have a blessed 2016
We love you too, always! 🙂
Thanks for sharing! Transparency – I definitely must work on that. Right now, I’m working on being more assertive in my personal life. “For the sake of peace”, I allow too many things to happen – instead of making things happen. I’m way too passive, and I want to get away from this. Because when it is all said and done, I’m usually the one who is upset and/or uncomfortable. Enjoyed the post!
Hey Trinity!
Thanks for chiming in and sharing.
I know you will be more assertive because you know how it makes you feel when you are too passive. It won’t be easy, but once you start doing it (practice), then you will be like, “what took me so long?” 🙂
Put your self-care first, always and watch how you blossom.
Have a wonderful 2016!
Evelyn I LOVE this entire post. It was spot on. Thank you dearest 🙂
Thank you so much, TeaJae!!! 🙂
Hi Evelyn,
I especially like the life lesson that talks of transparency. Anytime I played my cards too close, sometimes recommended by others, my “gut” told me not to, I lost something. What I mean by loss is my confidence, my values, authenticity and soul. Going into hiding for me, means it’s time to move on.
Thank you,
Hi Bev,
Thank you for chiming in and sharing!
Here’s to being our best authentic selves and walking in our truths in 2016! 🙂
Have a wonderful year in 2016, Bev!
I loved reading these life lessons. I too have reached an age where I don’t worry much about what other people think. I am really, at last beginning to feel like my authentic self. Thank you for your words, wit and wisdom. Happy New Year!
Hi Holly,
I am happy that you enjoyed reading this post.
Have a wonderful year in 2016!