I have read blog posts of other people that I follow, who did this and I thought it would be fun to share a little about myself, since it is Friday. I got this idea from Ali and Jennifer. Ali wrote an article entitled 50 Things About Me and Jennifer wrote an article entitled 25 things You Probably Didn’t Know About Me. Ali mentioned in his article that “telling us more about himself was therapeutic” and I feel the same way about writing this article today.
Today, I share 31 things that you probably didn’t know about me.
- I am a natural, country, southern girl.
- My nickname is “Tootie.”
- I love the laughter of a child.
- I love sharing knowledge with others.
- I have one brother and I am the oldest.
My brother and I stayed with different relatives until my grandmother stepped up to the plate and took us for a short period of a time.
My grandmother was the major influencing person in my life. She helped shape and mold me into the person I am today.
I was present when my uncle got killed. No, my brother and I didn’t see what happened because we were upstairs, but we heard the shot and later saw him lying on the porch. My uncle was only 19 years old at the time. I was only 8 years old trying to comfort my 6 year old brother. 🙁
I wrote a short story in high school and won an award for it.
I started singing publically when I was 13 years old, but I’ve always been a good singer, since I could remember.
I developed a love for science when I was in the 7th grade. I told myself that I was going to be a doctor. So much for that! 🙂
I won 3rd place in my high school talent show. I sang “Saving All My Love for You,” by Whitney Houston. Whitney is my all time favorite singer.
I was a high school mascot my senior year. Go Tigers!
I played tennis in high school.
I majored in biology and minored in psychology at the University of Tenneessee at Martin.
I pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in the Spring of 1991. There were 13 of us who pleged that year and I was #3. My line name was Songstress. I guess because I led most if not all of the songs.
I won 1st place in the UT-Martin’s Campus Wide Talent Show. I was in total shock when they called my name. I sang “You Bring Me Joy” by Anita Baker.
I attended Tennessee Technological University for graduate studies. My major advisor was Dr. S.K. Ballal, from India. I learned so much from him including life lessons that continue to help me today.
My graduate background studies were in cellular biology and microbiology. I love these subjects!
I did research and wrote my thesis about tall fescue (grass) and isolated the fungus (endophyte) in this grass by running starch gel electrophoresis. I thought I was never going to make it, but I did.
I am 5 foot 1 inches and 106 pounds. The most I’ve weighed is 152 pounds. Pregnancy weight was 167 pounds. I was a little pregnant whopper. 🙂
I love the smell of lavender.
My zodiac sign is Cancer.
Most of my life I’ve been an introvert, but as I have gotten older, I have changed. But I’m still quiet, until after I get to know you.
My favorite color is pink.
I have been married for 8 years. Yeah, I’m a late bloomer. 🙂
I have one daughter and her name is Hannah. She was born with Trisomy 21. One of the smartest kids I know and I’m not saying that because she is my child. She never ceases to amaze me.
I started blogging in 2008 just to document my 40 day raw food challenge. Now here I am with this blog and will probably start another one soon.
I love writing, even though I have to work at it.
I am an avid book lover and love reading. One of my aunts use to call me a bookworm when I was in junior high. I guess you never really change, you just become more of the same.
I am a native Tennessesan and I love my Tennessee teams.
I enjoyed writing this list and I have found it very theraputic. I hope you have learned a little more about me.
Have a wonderful weekend! 😉
p style=”text-align: right;”>Image: Paul
I loved getting this glimpse into your life. I’m so sorry for the violence you witnessed in your early life.
I’m happy that singing brings so much joy in your life and that you’ve found your niche in the world via science and nutrition.
Wishing you the best!
Hi Sandra,
Thank you for stopping by!
It is always a pleasure seeing you. 😉
Take care,
Okay, commentary since I’m just finding out about this post.
First, Tootie? lol
Second, you’re a tiny thing aren’t you? Not sure I want to stand next to you; I’d feel so out of place.
Third, why did you give up singing since you had talent?
Fourth, you love lavender; you & Pat been talking?
Fifth, I got married at 37; I’m betting you weren’t blooming quite that late.
And finally sixth, I still ain’t eating vegan unless I only have to eat potato chips. Course, if I can have the occasional Snickers, which just HAS to be vegan… 😉
Hi Mitch,
Yeah, I use Tweet Old Post and I’m glad I do, because others can get to see those posts from the past. 😉
Don’t you be laughing at my nickname. lol
Yeah, I’m a petite person, I feel out of place most of the time. Everyone is always taller than me. I think I’m the shortest person in my whole family. lol
I haven’t given up singing completely. I sing around the house and my daughter is my biggest fan. lol
Pat’s my lavender lady. I’ve learned a lot from her.
Nope, don’t think I was blooming that late. You win!
As long as you add more veggies to your diet, you will be just fine. I’ll let you slide with some occasional potato chips. Leave the snickers alone. Now go do the right thing. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
I am glad I came across your blog. 🙂 At this moment in my Life I needed to know so many things. 🙂 Thanks to you and my friend Abubakar .
Hi Nabanita,
Welcome to my blog and thank you so much for commenting. 😉
I’m still learning. Life is a series of experiences and learning lessons. I have many more lessons to learn and many miles to travel. 🙂
Take care,
Why 31? And what will your next blog be about, any ideas?
Hey Kissie,
I don’t know, I just stopped at 31. 😉 No reason, though!
I’m leaning toward personal development and one about homeschooling. We’ll see!
Take care,
They both sound very interesting, I home schooled my children for a year. I sorta kinda think you already do the former. 🙂
Hi Kissie,
Really! That’s cool.
Thanks for your confirmation and I’m beginning think so too. I’m still in the searching mode though! 🙂
Glad that I helped inspire this post! Great sharing session. I learned more about you, and am now more convinced that you’re a pretty cool Cancer!
And we do indeed have several things in common. Keep up the good work!
Hi Jennifer,
LOL…Glad to know that about being a pretty cool Cancer. We Cancers are pretty cool peoples. 😉
It doesn’t surprise me that we have several things in common. It’s funny how when we connect with some one who becomes one of our favorite bloggers, we end up having quite a bit in common. That goes to show me, that we still can connect with people without ever physically meeting and I find that amazing.
Thank you!
I’m so glad I bookmarked this post! What a treasure chest this is. Thank you for sharing this, Evelyn. You’ve had such an interesting life and you’ve done some amazing things. You’re one awesome lady.
Hey Jean,
Wow, you are about to make me shed some tears. I appreciate all that you have said and I am very humbled by your kind words.
Thank you so much! 🙂
Take care,
Evelyn, I was really touched by this honest and heartfelt post. Thank you so much for sharing your list with us. And I agree with Sibyl — it would be great to hear you sing. It may be time for a video, hint-hint!
And regarding #11, it’s never to late to follow your dreams…
Take care,
Hi Christianna,
Awww, thank you so much! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting.
I just might do a video to for you all to hear. 🙂
You’re absolutely right! It is never too late. Thanks for nudging me. 😉
Take care,
Hi Evelyn
Thanks for sharing this information. They’re a lot of fun, hey! I can see why you won the short story competition…you write so well It’s fascinating to learn more about other bloggers. Wow, a thesis on tall fescue (grass) and isolated the fungus (endophyte) now that is rock star material!!
This was very inspiring Evelyn and I enjoyed every part of it.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Hi Michael
I’m glad you stopped by!
Your compliment about my writing is very encouraging. It makes me feel pretty good! 😉
Take care,
Hi Evelyn,
Thanks for sharing so much about yourself. It was fun reading. (I love Anita Baker songs). I’m still thinking about doing a blog. If I do, I hope I do it as well as you. This is my favorite blog!! I look forward to every post. I’m glad I found this blog. It sounds like you have a nice life, by the way TN. is one of the most gorgeous states in the county. Take care!
Hi Dandy,
I would love to see you do a blog. It definitely takes time and patience to do well in blogging. I’m still not where I’d like to be, but hey, I’ll just keep on moving. 🙂
Yes, I’d have to agree! TN is not only a beautiful state, but the people are very friendly too. 😉 Just had to share that, because that is something that I noticed after traveling to other states.
Thanks for stopping by and take care,
Evelyn, it was great to learn a little more about you. You inspire me with your drive.
PS..you were not a late bloomer – everything happens in its own time!
Hey Elle 🙂
Thanks for stopping by! Well, I’m glad that your are inspired and I gladly accept that compliment. 😉
You’re right..I can only imagine if I had of not waited. All things work together for the good!
Take care,
Evelyn: What a great idea. It was really interesting to hear these things about people. You always wonder about the person behind the words 🙂 Maybe you could share a video or audio of your singing. That would be cool to hear 🙂 Sounds like you have a really great voice.
Hey Sibyl,
Thanks for stopping by!
Hmmm…that sounds like something I could do in the near future. 😉
Have a wonderful day and take care,
As I’ve told you many times…YOU are amazing! I am blessed to know you and call you friend.
Hey Ms. Carolyn,
Thank you so much..you are amazing yourself! 😉
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!
Hallo Tennis playing Tennessee Tootie !
Nice news here Evelyn & have just tried to subscribe to your rss feed – but somehow it didn’t wor on Chrome…..
Best wishes
Hey Will,
LOL…. Now that’s funny!
Thanks for telling me that, I’ll check it out. I don’t use Chrome, I’m a FireFox kind of gal, but will definitely check into it.
Take care,
Hey Will,
It’s fixed. There was a mistake with the website address. I also have noticed that some things in my side bar don’t show up on Chrome. Oh, well.
Thanks again for bringing that to my attention.
Take care,
Thank you for sharing this. I really enjoyed this. That’s awesome you can sing too!
Hey Jennifer,
I’m glad you stopped by and thank you for commenting. 🙂
Enjoy your day!
Wonderful Tootie! Now why did you tell us your nickname? Joking!
I love your list. It’s great to learn more about you. I love everything that you are doing here and love supporting you and your projects.
Keep up the great work…..Tootie!
Hey Ali,
Thank you! 😉
I appreciate your support, always!
Only my family calls me Tootie, but you know you’re part of my blog fam, so I guess it’s okay..lol.
Take care and peaces right back at you! 😉
Woo Great post Tootie! Lol hahaha umm…now i knw much bout you if not all. Sorry, i want to ask you a question Why do they kill your uncle? Or is he a gangster? Thanks for sharing.
Hey Samuel,
Now don’t you go calling me Tootie, that’s for family only. Just kidding…you are like fam to me! 🙂
Samuel, it is a very complicated thing. I personally don’t know why my uncle got shot, because my brother and I were upstairs watching cartoons. We just heard the shot, looked out the window and saw him lying on the porch. It was not gang related and it happened in 1979. He was not a gangster. I guess he ticked the wrong person off. Who knows?
Thanks for stopping by and gracing my page! 😉
Take care,
Thanks for sharing yourself Evelyn. I think it is a brave thing to do to put yourself out there. Helps us get to know you better though and that’s a good thing. Wow you are one of those brainy kids eh with your degrees. I’m glad I’ve bumped into you in the blogosphere and BTW thanks for putting my blog up there for the bloggerluv daily. I am the ultimate technophobe and panic when I even think about doing links, upgrading plugins or anything else techie on my blog. I could write all day and I love visiting other people’s site to read their posts and comment. As you can see, I don’t write short comments if I’ve enjoyed a post either 🙂
Patricia Perth Australia
Hey Patricia,
I’m glad I bumped into you too! You have been and continue to be such a pleasure getting to know.
The bloggerluv is the daily paper on Twitter, right? I think that whenever we retweet another member’s link then it probably gets added to the daily. I’m not very sure about this, as I am not well versed in the daily as of yet. I just stick to tweeting, but I’m sure I’ll get around to figuring out what’s really going on with the daily.
I say, you never know until you try when it comes to upgrading plugins and other techie things. I made my fair share of goof-ups and had to contact my hosting company. (LOL) If you ever need any help or assistance, just let me know. I noticed that we both use Headway Themes, so if you need any help or have questions feel free to ask. Your blog looks good..btw!
Long comments don’t bother me at all. I welcome long comments! 😉
Have a wonderful weekend!
Take care,
I may be getting in touch as my blogging coach didn’t use Headway so I am looking for some help with upgrade. Just have to be brave and do it. So don’t want to lose any content or whatever else could go wrong when I attempt techie stuff 🙂
Patricia Perth Australia
Hi Patricia,
I’m here..if I can help you I will. Just let me know.
Take care,
Great to know 31 things more about you. I feel so closer. I am sorry that your uncle was shot when you and your brother were young. It must have been traumatic, looks like you have worked hard to overcome many obstacles in your life, that is impressive!
Hi Preeti,
Yeah, that is something I will never forget.
I’m glad you stopped by and chimed in. I appreciate it! 😉
Take care,
nice post, I might do a post like this too, thanks for sharing, take care and stay healthy
Hi Leah,
It’s great to see you here! 😉
I’d love to see you do a post like this.
Thanks for stopping and commenting!
Take care,