Some of you know how hard it is being a loner in the vegetarian/vegan/raw vegan. It can be extremely hard when people in your circle make you feel bad for choosing your path.
Some will question you, think you are weird and will sometimes make you feel uncomfortable. But always remember, you know where you are going and you are traveling to your destination. Nothing or no one will cause you to lose your way.
There are many ways that you can handle this situation, but let’s look at the people who are in your circle. I have family and friends who understand that I do not eat animal flesh or any animal products.
There are also some who can’t believe that I have chosen this way of life. They will sometimes make remarks, that I would never consider saying to them. Always be kind!
To be successful, you must first stay on your path, no matter what. You have your map and you know exactly where you are going. When you travel on your journey you will find others who are traveling the same way. Don’t be afraid of getting to know these people. You can gain strength, knowledge and momentum from people traveling in the same direction as yourself.
7 Ways To Select Your People Circle
1. Natural food stores. Some natural food stores offer events. Do your best to attend a few events. While you are attending the event, don’t forget to network.
2. Meet up groups. Join a meet up group in your area. You can find people who have similar interests as yourself. Once you meet up with these like-minded people you will begin motivated and full of strength.
3. Nings and social groups. These are groups that are geared toward your particular interest. It is a great way to meet others online. You can also learn things you didn’t know before.
4. You Tube other video sharing sites. This is also a great way to meet people who are on your path. All you need is to do is enter what you are searching for and videos on that particular topic will pop up. If you like what you find, then with the person by subscribing to their videos and befriending them.
5. Twitter keyword search. Having a Twitter account is more than just you sending a tweet. You can do a keyword search and find other people with who have interests similar to yours. Connect with them, by following them and staying in touch.
6. Facebook Pages and Groups. Join a Facebook Page or Group that is of interest to you. If the page or group makes regular updates, participate by responding or liking what they share. Most pages also share helpful links that can also link you to other people who share your interest.
7. Other fellow bloggers. There are many blogs out here that share your same interest. Visit that blog and join in the conversation by leaving a comment. Become a part of that blog community.
As you can see there are many ways that you can connect with like-minded people. Remember, your success depends on your people circle.
If you are traveling with people who are not going in your direction, they will slow you down and possibly lose site of your goal. You don’t need that, because you know where you are going.
Get with those people who are going places. In the case of becoming a healthier you, you must get with people who are traveling in the same direction. This will help you have a successful journey.
How do you connect with like-minded people?
Never let anyone be a stumbling block!
Having a community of people is such a gift. I would add to your great list to check out yoga studios and other classes that emphasis healthy living. 🙂
Hi CC,
Thanks for chiming in and sharing that tidbit about yoga. 🙂
Take care and have a wonderful day,
Hi Evelyn,
You said it all here. It’s crucial to have support no matter what you are doing. Your ideas are wonderful. I have recieved so much support from my fellow bloggers. It keeps me going!!
Hey Dandy,
Thanks for stopping by and chiming in!
I find fellow bloggers to be very supportive and they truly are the ones who keep me going. So I totally feel you on this one! 😉
Take care,
Hi Evelyn
Whenever we choose a different path than others around us there is always scope for being misunderstood and sometimes it is just ignorance on the part of the other person or they have their own set ideas and don’t want to consider any other way.
Whatever path we choose in life there will always be the naysayers and as long as we are being true to what we believe and respect others rights to their choices then we will at least feel comfortable within ourselves.
I am neither vegan nor vegetarian but I respect that others have made this choice. Since I have started researching natural health options I am learning heaps and I aim to continue living a healthy lifestyle as I have been blessed with good health and want it to remain so.
You have my respect and it’s great that you are living out what you believe is right for you.
Patricia Perth Australia
Hi Patricia,
Thanks for sharing your insight and I truly appreciate it!
Sometimes, it gets hard trying to stay on one’s path. I agree, there will always be naysayers whatever it is we choose to do. I know in my case, I’ve had naysayers in many areas of my life..not just my being vegan. From hair, to how to raise my daughter, to education; you name it I’ve experienced it. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to ignore the naysayers and stay on my path. Sometimes, I even get my feelings hurt, but I keep on moving.
I’m glad that you respectful other people choices ..I know some who can learn a lesson or two from you. The world needs more people like you! 😉
Take care and have a great week!
Evelyn’s best to allays hang out with like minded people..this is the way we grow by growing the like minded people around us.
“TrafficColeman “Signing Off”
Hi T,
Thanks for stopping by!
Absolutely! NO doubt! 😉
Take care,