I live in a rural area where the air is fresh and the sun is wonderful, but I hardly ever see anyone outside enjoying the wonderful fresh air and sunshine. These days, I have been guilty of not getting outside like I should, but that’s one more thing I will work on.
I recall when I was pregnant; I would walk a lot, not to mention the job I was working called for me to be outside everyday. Picture a pregnant woman outside inspecting on-site sewage waste management systems, inspecting water wells (my favorite) and inspecting restaurants. I hated doing this while being pregnant, but I know it helped me have a great pregnancy. My doctor told me that he was surprised how well I did, because I was never sick. I attribute never being sick to being active outside in the fresh air and getting a good dose of sunshine.
Why Fresh Air?
- Fresh air provides oxygen to the lungs.
- Oxygen is needed for every cell in the the body to carry out cellular reactions.
- Fresh air helps purify the blood and the cells. That’s why it is a good idea to exercise outside when possible.
Here are a few quotes on this topic from Jethro Kloss author of Back to Eden:
Proper exercise in the open air and sunshine is among God’s greatest gifts to man. It gives strength to the physical body and – all other health habits being equal – is one of the surest safeguards against disease and premature death. It gives buoyancy and strength and maintains a healthful mental balance, free from extremes that result in artificial living.
Oxygen is he elixir of life, is one of the best blood purifiers and one of the most effective nerve tonics. It is freely provided by nature for all. Useful work in the open air will bring new strength and vitality, and produce a happy cheerful attitude of mind.
Why Sunshine?
- All living animals and plants need some amount of sunshine.
- Sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, which helps you, be less vulnerable to certain chronic diseases.
- Sunshine helps you feel better and lifts your spirits when you are down.
Try spending about 10-15 minutes in the sun and if your skin complexion has more melanin (pigment), then you will need to spend a little more time in the sun.
Make sure you protect your skin and don’t allow the sun to burn your skin. Use a natural sunscreen that has SPF 15 or you can use shea butter.
Don’t spend most of your day indoors if you can help it. Get outside, breathe some fresh air and bask in the rays of the beautiful sunshine. You will be amazed by how refreshed and energized you will be.
Note 1: This concludes the Become a Healthier You Series.
Note 2: We are coming to the end of another year and embarking upon a new year. Most of you make resolutions that involve making healthy lifestyle changes. These resolutions sometimes include losing weight, exercising, eating healthier, etc. I will publish information on how you can become a healthier you before 2010 ends. This will help you begin 2011 on the right foot.
Bonus: I will also include a bonus chapter about natural ingredients and products that are healthy for you. Let’s make 2011 the healthiest year ever!
Recommended Reading:
Back To Eden (Affiliate link)
What a great post! My acupuncturist told me last year to go outside everyday (preferably right after lunch or around noon) to get at least 15 minutes of sunshine. After doing that just for a few weeks, I noticed a dramatic improvement in my energy and mood. It’s a natural stress reliever!
Thanks for sharing your pregnancy story. 🙂
Miss Lycia
Hi Miss Lycia,
Good to see you!
What a wonderful testimony of how sunshine helped you. 😉 I love hearing stories like this!
Thanks for stopping by, always a pleasure!
Hi Evelyn
Right on there with fresh air and sunshine. I walk every day and it is a great feeling being out in the fresh air. Also I live in lovley surroundings so being outside I can appreciate them.
Keeps the heart healthy and the weight off too 🙂
Patricia Perth Australia
Hi Patricia,
That’s great! 😉
Take care,
Hi Evelyn,
You’re touching on another area that I really need to work on in the new year. I’ve been spending so much time at the computer working on the ebooks for release Dec.17 that I’ve not seen much of outside except if we’re going somewhere.
This new year I will have to do better than that.
Hey Jen,
I totally understand! This is one thing that I will work on in the coming new year.
Best wishes on your e-book!
Hi Evelyn,
I love being outdoors too. I believe it feeds the soul. I know I always feel better after a long walk. It lifts my spirits no matter how bad I feel. I’m glad you wrote this post Evelyn! Thanks!
Hi Evelyn,
Getting fresh air is really crucial for all of us. It does give us energy and it is good for our body and lungs as you mention. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Hi Dia,
Thanks for stopping by! 😉
Enjoy your day!
I just moved from sunny AZ to cold and sunless SD and like you now live in a rural community. The air is pure here but it will freeze your lungs if you are out in it for too long ;). I took the sun for granted in the place I lived before and now appreciate it so much more when it makes its rare occurrence from behind the dark cloudy sky. I never had to think twice about having to supplement with Vitamin D but now have bought it for the whole family. I appreciate all the great tips you shared and will put them into more practice for myself and my family.
Hi Kim,
Thanks for stopping by!
I think you did the right thing by getting vitamin D supplements for your family. It was definitely a smart move. I didn’t know that SD was sunless. Learned something new! 😉
I see your have your Peanut Butter and Jelly Popcorn Ball post up. I’ll be over to check it out! 🙂
Take care and enjoy your day!
Hi Evelyn,
I am a huge fan of the outdoors.
As a kid we had to be outside most of the day during the summer and during the winter I played basketball, so I was always active.
I go for an hour long walk each day. The energy I feel from breathing in fresh air and exercising is quite amazing. Being outside energizes you like no other activity.
I’m a big fan of winter walks. We’ve had a number of 20 degree nights here in NJ over the past week; perfect for me. Quiet, still, peaceful and invigorating at the same time.
Thanks for sharing Evelyn 🙂 Have a powerful day!
Hi Ryan,
I can relate to being outside most of the day as a kid. So, I’ll call you “Ryan the b-ball guy.” I didn’t know you played basketball. 😉
I don’t know too many people who like to walk in the cold, but I don’t mind it at all. It is peaceful and quiet and especially still.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing!
Take care,
This is so true. I live at the beach and try to walk at least 30 minutes each day. It makes a huge difference in how I feel. It has been so cold here the last few days that I haven’t been able to walk and I feel sluggish and grumpy 🙁
Hi Patty!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing! Just another testimony about how good it is to get outside and take in the fresh air and sunshine.
I wish I lived near a beach…I know I would live there too! 😉
Take care,
You are so right.. when I find myself indoors for the entire day I always feel crappy and something is wrong, but when I take a break and spend most of it outdoors I feel refreshed again. From now on, I’m gonna get most of my Vitamin D from the sun, not the rays from my computer monitor =)
Hey Henway!
Right on! I’m with you about not getting rays from the computer monitor. 😉
Thanks for stopping by and sharing!
Hey Evelyn, this is great info considering the fact that the daily requirements for Vitamin D was just increased to 600 IU. I always supplemtn with D3 and suggest my clients do the same. We don’t see the sun here all winter so it is important! BTW, love the new website look!
Hi Susan!
I couldn’t imagine not seeing the sun all winter. Today the sun is shining so bright, but the temperature is very cold.
Thanks for sharing the information about the daily requirement!
I appreciate the compliment! I’m a true minimalist! lol
Have a great day!