A few days I, I received an email from a young woman, who knows she must make some healthy lifestyle changes. The young woman’s email made my heart drop, but in the end my spirits lifted, because she knows that she must make a change.
You never know who is reading your blog or viewing what you share on other social media sites. So, always be on your best behavior!
I have responded to the young woman, but today I share a video of inspirational quotes that I found on You Tube. It will help you stay focused on your goals of becoming a healthier you.
The Woman’s Touching Message
I have cried and prayed, cried some more, prayed some more for help. I’m 34 almost 300 pounds and I’m sick of it. I’m at the end of my rope. I need help and I found it in your blog. I’m sick and I need to get healthy. Dr medicine ain’t gonna help me. I know I’m sick due to diet and lack of physical activity.
I’m happy that you’ve taken the time to do this. I don’t “know” you yet, I’m a new follower as of today. I haven’t been through the entire site yet. What I did see I enjoy and you’ve hit on key areas for me. I’m reading now and learning about juicing, fasting, raw foods, vegan/non-dairy all that.
It’s overwhelming and a very new way of doing things. This isn’t how I grew up, i do see now that is why I’m like I am. I’ve watched documentaries recently like fork over knives, fat, sick and nearly dead and food matters.
So frankly I’m scared into getting fit. I haven’t been diagnosed with anything other than asthma (since childhood), I need to make major changes. You’ve helped in the few post I’ve read so far. I’m very grateful Evelyn. Thank You, please keep it up.
Final Words
Start where you are and take things at your own pace. Never give up and don’t ever quit. If you have to fight your way through, fight! As long as you have life, you can to make a change. No matter how long it takes, you keep on moving!
“Never, never, never, never give up.” ~ Winston Churchill
Image: Photography by BJWOK / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I just stumbled onto your blog via Dr. Jarrow’s fitness blog list. You are an inspiration. I have a blog just for Plus Size Women. I’m a personal trainer in NYC and a former plus size model.
A person’s fitness and health is the foundation to living a powerful and high quality life I believe. I want to reach to women especially and teach them this and it doesn’t have to be extreme. It’s a gradual progression that aligns with your evolutionary process as a human.
I tell my clients it won’t be overnight so stay for a bit and enjoy the ride.
Hi Diane,
Thank you for letting me know how you found me. I’ll definitely share your blog with others.
I totally agree with you, “it’s a gradual progression.” I like that you keep it real with your clients.
Welcome to Become a Healthier You!
Evelyn: What a great message and motivation you are giving here. I love it and you are so right that you just have to take things one step at a time and always realize your potential to achieve what you desire.
Hi Sibyl,
Thank you!
Yes, one step at a time. 😉
Take care,
Yes, there is always hope. Couple years ago, I have serious heartburn and acid reflux problem, gas pain, indigestion problem. I struggle with that issue for several years, my family doctor gave up on me. I was depressed because of that, but somehow, because I myself did not give up, today I am free from the digestion problem.
There is always hope, even your doctors or friends said that you are hopeless. Never give up.
Hi David,
Thanks for sharing what you went through with your digestion problem. It always pays to never give up, no matter how trying things are.
Take care,
What a beautiful sentiment and great of you to share (anonymously of course). I think any of us dealing with weight issues feel this way at one time or another. Thank God for always being in the present so that change is always possible.
Hi Michelle,
I love your point about being in the present so that change is always possible. It is so true!
Thanks for chiming in!
Isn’t it nice when you touch someone’s life in a positive manner, even when you weren’t expecting to that day? I bet you’re still smiling inside. 🙂
Hey Mitch,
Yes it is so sweet! 😉
Things always happen when we least expect it and when they do it is just when you needed it the most.
Thanks for stopping by!
Inspirational video indeed. Thanks for sharing it, I greatly appreciate it.
I want to share a famous quotation of Mahatma Gandhi (I Hope I need not to tell who Gandhi is): “My life is my message”. Very few great men can dare to say so.
Thanks, Jupitor for sharing Gandhi’s quote. It is such a true and meaningful quote. I must always keep this in mind.
Have a great weekend and thank you!