In the age of social media, it’s easy to see what other people are doing. But don’t focus on what other people are doing; do you.
Staying in your lane and minding your business might seem selfish, but I am finding that it is probably one of the best actions to take if you want to achieve success in any area of your life.
A Quick Story about Business
I’m a new kid on the block when it comes to coaching and getting clients. And it’s been a challenge because I’m trying to figure out a few things so I can have success.
I see others around me having success, at least that’s how it seems. And at times I take my focus off what I’m doing to look at what’s working for others.
When I take the focus off what I’m doing and place that focus on what I see others doing, I don’t get stuff done because I’m too wrapped up in what I see others doing.
Second, guessing myself
It is not my goal to be a carbon copy of anyone, and so if I don’t want to be like others, I need to focus on my stuff and stay in my lane.
Tune out the noise and focus
Fear as a People Crutch
Sometimes, the fear of just doing you gets in the way of your success.
Why are we so afraid of stepping out and doing something different from what we see others doing?
We are afraid because we fear what other people will say, think or do. But we have to get a place in this life, where we don’t care.
Making Lifestyle Changes
You know I have to tie this topic in with healthy living. That’s the purpose for me writing this post.
I see people who want to make lifestyle changes. They want to lose weight, get fit, or have better digestion, but something keeps them from committing to change.
Some people who don’t commit to making lifestyle changes have their focus on what they see other people doing.
They try doing what others do but discover it doesn’t work for them.
As result of no success, they give up and stop working on making the changes they know they need to make.
Just Do You
There comes a time when you have to do you. Understand that each of us is different.
Each of us has our unique, personal journey. We can no longer be afraid of doing what we know works best.
Taking your eyes off yourself only slows down your progress. The most successful people, be it in making healthy lifestyle changes, weight loss, fitness or even in business got where they are by focusing on themselves and not on other people.
Final Words
It is not a selfish act to stay focused on what you’re doing. There’s nothing wrong with getting inspiration or motivation from others, but you have to be yourself and stay true to who you are and what you believe.
Don’t lose yourself trying to find your success in what you see other people doing.
Instead, find your success in what you are doing.
Do what feels right for you and do what works for you, always.
Don’t focus on what you see other people doing.
Do you!
Questions: What will you do today?
Until next time.
Own Your Health!
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You definitely have to “do you” to be successful in any endeavor you decide you want to do. Even star athletes, the best of the best, get criticized by people who have no idea what they’ve gone through to get where they are. Tune out the noise, do the best you can do, stay away from negative people and soar!
Yes, I love it. “Tune out the noise, do the best you can do, stay away from negative people and soar!” Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Mitch! Have a great week!