Did you make resolutions or set goals to make healthy lifestyle changes in 2019? I did, but I will share those in my next blog post. The new year is an excellent time to make changes to your lifestyle to improve your health and well-being. Making healthy lifestyle changes is hard, but don’t try to do everything all at once, take your time. Today, you learn seven healthy … [Read more...] about 7 Healthy Lifestyle Changes to Make in 2019
healthy eating habits
Don’t Check Out While Eating Your Meals (be present)
How do you check out while eating meals? Some people check out without realizing it but checking out means that you don’t pay attention to the eating process because you are preoccupied. Preoccupation while eating causes a few things to happen. Below are a few things that happen when we check out while eating meals/snacks. Eating Too Much One thing that happens when we don’t … [Read more...] about Don’t Check Out While Eating Your Meals (be present)
Are you taking care of you and owing it? | 50 Actions to Take
Happy Sunday! The tagline of evelynparham.com is, Take care of you and own it and I will give some actions you can start doing today. Let's dive. Tips on Taking Care of You Pray Meditate Read Be positive Dump toxic people, places, and things Don't compare or compete with others Compare and compete with who you see in the mirror (yourself) … [Read more...] about Are you taking care of you and owing it? | 50 Actions to Take
Is it all or nothing with lifestyle changes?
All or nothing, is that you? At times, I approach things with an all or nothing attitude. It is not ever my intention to be that way; it sneaks up on me. Making lifestyle changes for eating, weight loss or even fitness is challenging. The plan is to reach the lifestyle goals set, but one off day can throw you off your game. Did I make poor food choices, why? So you make a … [Read more...] about Is it all or nothing with lifestyle changes?
Willpower Won’t Stop Snacking, But Here’s What Does (Adequate Food/Fuel)
If only I had the willpower to resist the snacks in my breakroom lounge, I could lose these last 10 pounds. Here’s a little secret. Willpower will not stop you from snacking, but here is what does (adequate food/fuel). A lot of people blame overeating and constant snacking on willpower. I am sorry to break it to you, but willpower is not the problem. Willpower has nothing … [Read more...] about Willpower Won’t Stop Snacking, But Here’s What Does (Adequate Food/Fuel)
Restriction Can Cause an Unhealthy Relationship with Food
Are you searching for the perfect diet? Most diets focus on restrictions that are hard to make stick. Food restrictions can lead to an unhealthy relationship with your food and cause deficiencies. I chose this topic because I have tried restrictive diets without long-term success. It finally caught up with me when I tried the ketogenic diet, and since then, I take a … [Read more...] about Restriction Can Cause an Unhealthy Relationship with Food