You were born an original. Don't die a copy. - John Mason Your life is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. - Steve Jobs Many of us live life through the eyes of other people. Always trying to project a certain reputation, even when it is not really who we authentically are. Some of you are probably saying, "I have never done that." Maybe you have not, but … [Read more...] about Be Your Authentic Self (be real)
Is It Healthy to Express Gratitude?
Yes, it is healthy for you to express gratitude. This week is the Thanksgiving week in the United States and Thanksgiving is Thursday of this week. During this time of the year, many express gratitude. It is important to express gratitude throughout the year and not just on this one day of the year. Express your gratitude everyday. There is research that suggest that regular … [Read more...] about Is It Healthy to Express Gratitude?
Speed Bumps Come to Slow You Down – Keep Moving
October is here and how many of you reached your healthy living goals this year? I will venture to say that you probably did well the first few weeks of this year and even the first few months. As you think about things, you realize there is so much more you could have done. Some of you may have said, "I cannot do this, maybe next year." Why wait until next year, start over … [Read more...] about Speed Bumps Come to Slow You Down – Keep Moving
No need to control everything, just surrender
Everyone expects good things to happen in life, but somewhere along life's journey, bad things happen. I have come to realize that I can't control everything, no matter how hard I try. Most people think I am strong and that nothing phases me, but little do they know, I have moments when tears flow, I borrow someone's ear, or I am still and quiet. There are some things you … [Read more...] about No need to control everything, just surrender
40 Years Old And….
Last Monday, I turned 40 years old. I know this post is late, but I had to write this when I felt ready. I can't believe I am telling you that I am 40 years old, because for some reason, I can't stand to hear the number 40 come out of my mouth and I even have an issue typing the numbers. Saying and typing the number really sounds old to me. I'm sure I'll get use to it … [Read more...] about 40 Years Old And….
22 Ways to be Happy and Healthy
Don’t worry, be happy Eat a balanced diet Drink water Stay active (mind, body, and spirit) Get your beauty rest Take in fresh air Smile Avoid stressful situations Avoid people who will upset you (if you can) Don’t let the economical times get you down Enjoy the beauty of nature Go for a leisurely walk Pray and meditate Follow … [Read more...] about 22 Ways to be Happy and Healthy