Extreme You: Step Up. Stand Out. Kick Ass. Repeat. Extreme You is a book written by Sarah Robb O’Hagan, global president of Gatorade. Ms. O’Hagan is inspiring and motivates you to get out and kick some butt by following your passion. You should read this book if: you need the inspiration to follow your passion you need motivation for your personal growth and … [Read more...] about Extreme You: Step Up. Stand Out. Kick Ass. Repeat. (Book Review)
personal growth
Saying ‘No’ to Others is Healthy for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
Have you ever said yes to someone's request when in your heart you wanted to say no? We've all done this before and regretted saying yes. Saying no to others is healthy for your mind, body, and spirit. You are not a bad person if you say no to other people's requests. In fact, it is probably a good act for yourself to say no, because you do not have the stress that comes with … [Read more...] about Saying ‘No’ to Others is Healthy for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
14 Lessons I Learned in 2016
Today, I share 14 lessons I learned in 2016. This blog post is probably the shortest post I’ve ever written on this blog. I learned that: real friends are not always the same age or race as you are negativity is alive, but it's up to you to focus on the positive it is okay to do what works best for you regardless of what others are doing in business, you have … [Read more...] about 14 Lessons I Learned in 2016
How to Trust the Process of the Journey, Without Worrying About the Outcome
How To Trust the Process of the Journey, Without Worrying About the Outcome No matter what you set out to do, it is important that you trust the process of the journey without worrying about the outcome. It is easy to worry about the outcome when you do not know the journey will take you. Who says you need to know how it will all turn out before you reach your destination? … [Read more...] about How to Trust the Process of the Journey, Without Worrying About the Outcome
Am I Really Providing Value or Am I Wasting Time?
There are times when readers of this blog and followers on social media tell me I share needed and helpful content. I smile and thank them for their kind words. But I have asked myself many times, "Am I really providing value or am I just wasting my time?" Today's post is not about me, but more about you. You're probably wondering, "How can this post be about me when she's … [Read more...] about Am I Really Providing Value or Am I Wasting Time?
Everybody Needs Somebody (even when you don’t think so)
Do you think that you can get through this life, reach your goals, or be all that you can without any help? If you think you can, do it all yourself, then you are sadly mistaken. Everybody needs somebody, even when you don't think so. Today, I share how certain people help me see that I am not an island unto myself. The inspiration for this post came from a conversation I … [Read more...] about Everybody Needs Somebody (even when you don’t think so)