Is it possible to be stressed or depressed without knowing that you are? Yes, I think it is possible. Today I share how I dealt with my struggle, and I give you ten ways to stop eating your emotions. My Story A few months ago, I checked out of my body. Checking out of the body is a person’s way of ignoring emotions and not acknowledging those emotions. That’s what happened … [Read more...] about How I Dealt with my Struggle and 10 Ways to Stop Eating Your Emotions
Chocolate Almond Butter Chia Seeds Fat Bombs (Low-Carb, High-Fat, Dairy-Free)
Chocolate Almond Butter Chia Seeds Fat Bombs are delicious treats that are high in healthy fats and low in carbohydrates. A person I follow on Instagram (@antigravitygains) shared the recipe, and I gave it a try. As some of you know, I follow a ketogenic diet/way of eating, which means that my diet is high in fat and low in carbohydrates. Having a tasty fat bomb treat on hand … [Read more...] about Chocolate Almond Butter Chia Seeds Fat Bombs (Low-Carb, High-Fat, Dairy-Free)
Saying ‘No’ to Others is Healthy for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
Have you ever said yes to someone's request when in your heart you wanted to say no? We've all done this before and regretted saying yes. Saying no to others is healthy for your mind, body, and spirit. You are not a bad person if you say no to other people's requests. In fact, it is probably a good act for yourself to say no, because you do not have the stress that comes with … [Read more...] about Saying ‘No’ to Others is Healthy for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
The Science of Weight Loss: Secrets from the Eating Lab (Book Review)
Secrets from the Eating Lab: The Science of Weight Loss, the Myth of Willpower, and Why You Should Never Diet Again Secrets from the Eating Lab is a book written by Traci Mann, Ph.D. Learn why diets do not work, why willpower is an illusion, and strategies to help you with a healthy and sustainable weight. You should read Secrets from the Eating Lab if: you are a … [Read more...] about The Science of Weight Loss: Secrets from the Eating Lab (Book Review)
Five Health Journey Mistakes to Stop Making in 2017
It does not matter if you are working on improving your diet, losing weight, incorporating a fitness plan, doing self-care rituals, or making healthier choices. Whatever your goals are, you can avoid these five health journey mistakes in 2017. Note: The inspiration for this blog post comes from Michelle at Fine Hair and Faith. Mistake #1 Comparing Your Journey to Another … [Read more...] about Five Health Journey Mistakes to Stop Making in 2017
14 Lessons I Learned in 2016
Today, I share 14 lessons I learned in 2016. This blog post is probably the shortest post I’ve ever written on this blog. I learned that: real friends are not always the same age or race as you are negativity is alive, but it's up to you to focus on the positive it is okay to do what works best for you regardless of what others are doing in business, you have … [Read more...] about 14 Lessons I Learned in 2016