There are some people who will not eat fruits and vegetables if it is not from an organic source. I use to be one of those persons, until I had to really pinch my pennies. I quickly learned that, everything does not have to be organic, especially when I do not have organic money.
These days, I buy what I can afford and clean it very well, say my grace and roll with it. I figure it’s better for me to eat fruits and vegetables that are grown conventionally, than to not eat them at all.
I receive emails from people asking me about how they can afford to continue eating all organic produce with the economy like it is.
Everyone is not doing well financially and every time I go to the grocery store, I spend more money, while leaving a with only few bags. I understand how you feel, because I do not buy that many organic food products, unless they are on sale.
Does this mean, that I do not eat organic? No! I buy organic when there is a sale and if there is not sale than I don’t buy it. I have ways of getting around this, while still eating my fruits and vegetables.
Here is what you can do, especially if you have limited funds and you want to continue eating your fruits and vegetables:
- Buy items that are on sale, regardless if they are on the dirty dozen’s list. I know this may go against what you believe, but which would you rather have? Fruits and vegetables at a good price or less money in your pockets?
- Invest in fruit and vegetable cleansers. Most stores sell fruit and veggie washes that will help remove what’s on the surface of the fruits and vegetables. You can also make your own fruit and veggie washes, by using lemon water or a vinegar mixture.
- Peel your fruits and vegetables. Get into the habit of peeling your fruits and vegetables. It is true that there is goodness in the peelings of certain fruits and vegetables, but it is safer to remove the peeling, because pesticides and other nasty stuff lurk inside the peeling.
- Buy local, it is cheaper. If you have a farm in your area or a fruit and vegetable stand in your area, buy from them. The fruits and vegetables you buy locally are probably not certified organic, but they are grown in the traditional way probably with less pesticides. Plus you won’t find shiny cucumbers, zucchini or pole beans, because there are no coatings to make them look appealing to the eye. Do not neglect cleansing your fruits and vegetables, even though they are grown locally.
Buy from Farmers Markets. Most if not all Farmers Markets have produce that is cheaper than what your local grocery store has. Some even sell organic produce at reasonable prices. You’ll be surprised by what you can find. But if can’t afford organic, buy what you can afford.
Final Thoughts
I would love to buy all organic produce, but I know that I cannot afford organic. So the next best thing is to get what I can afford, even if the produce is not organic.
It took me some time to adjust, but I’m learning that if I want to stretch what little money I have, I have to do what I have to do now.
Just because you cannot afford to buy all organic produce, does not mean that you should skimp on eating your fruits and vegetables. It is better to eat your fruits and vegetables because they are good for you, than to not eat them at all.
Never take things to the extreme, always stay balanced. It’s less stressful that way!
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I love this: “I buy what I can afford and clean it very well, say my grace and roll with it.” I’m right there with you. I buy organic when I can, especially when its on sale 🙂 I try to buy the “dirty dozen” organic as much as possible but like you said, say grace and keep it moving.
Hey Michelle!
That’s a good way of looking at it. Say grace and keep it moving. 🙂
Glad you stopped by!
Great advice as always Evelyn! Buying local is beneficial in many way and it definitely is cheaper. Thanks for the tip on peeling, I never thought about doing that.
Have a great week.
Hey Kathy!
It’s great seeing you. I hope all is well!
Thanks for chiming in and sharing!
Take care,
Hi Evelyn,
I am new to your blog site. I really enjoy your articles! I am a work in progress meat eater trying to convert to vegan (or one or more forms of vegetarian) your blog encourages me and helps me with some of my eating decisions. Thank you! I have hard time buying organic at the store as well, as the produce is usually spendier than the non-organic. I have recently researched CSA memberships at all the local farms in the area. These seem quite spendy too, and there is no guarantee what produce you will get, and being in a household of two, I am not sure we can consume it all before it goes bad. One local farm CSA is $300 for the season (season of 2 months). Now I did bookmark a local site that lists all the local home-grown farmers in the area, which shows if you have to go to their farm to buy produce, or it shows which local farmers markets they attend. I am pretty excited about giving that a shot this year. As a full time worker bee it is hard to attend all the farmers markets, as they seem to be on week days, so I am unable to go to them. My other alternative is shopping at one my favorite organic local markets, where some of these local farmers also sell their produce The store is called Sunflower Markets. Thanks for the tip or reminder that I can buy the stuff to clean the produce.. I keep forgetting to pick that up when I shop!
Hi Kelsey!
Thank you for sharing and chiming in!
The CSA’s are good, but sounds like they are pricy too.
There are some Farmers Markets that are open year round, well at least that’s the case in the state where I live. But a lot of the produce is not local at these Farmers Markets.
Now, we do have some like you’ve mentioned, but I always end up missing them too. Sometimes I pass fruit and veggie stands on my way home and I get to stop and purchase from the locals. I love doing that!
Take care,
Hi Evelyn!
I used to be like you too and buy ~only~ organic (when I could afford to back in the days) but primarily to avoid pesticides. Now, I’m scared to death to not buy organic because of GMO’s! I use Veggie Wash to clean my produce, but that won’t do a thing for GMO’s. I’ve been buying what I can get the “most bang for my buck” nutrition wise as organic and everything else from local farmers markets. I have also started a little small garden in my backyard to help with costs, keep everything organic and non-GMO.
Have you seen those upright hydroponic planters that you can grow greens in? I was looking into getting one for my juicing greens, but they are pricey. One site had a monthly payment plan which would help. What’s your thoughts on this?
Thanks and take care!
Hi Benedictus!
GMO’s are scary, indeed.
Yes, I heard of the upright hydroponic planters for tomatoes, bell peppers, but not for greens. I’ll have to look into that.
I hope that I get some greens started for the Fall. I didn’t plant a spring garden, I wish I had. Growing your own food is the cheapest and best options if you can do so.
I’d rather have a garden and I guess I’d feel better growing food the natural way or common way. I can see people using the planters when they don’t have the space, but I have lots of space to for gardening.
This sounds very pricey, especially that they have a monthly payment plan. I personally wouldn’t do that, but everyone’s situation is different.
Thanks for sharing!
Another great post, Evelyn. You just answered the question that so many people struggle with, and the bottom line is don’t skimp on eating fruits and vegetables. Thank you! 🙂
Hey Ms. Carolyn!
Thanks for stopping by. I hope all is going well and I always enjoy your visits. 🙂