It has been almost a month since I started eating to live. What does this mean? It means that I am eating foods that are nutrient-dense or those foods that are high in nutrients.
I am happy to tell you, that I have not had any cravings for the junk foods (sweets, fries, and pretzels). This is truly amazing, because all I did to alleviate the junk foods, was to eat more nutrient-dense foods.
I decided to share these tips with you because they have helped me and I know they will help you, especially if you are trying to get a handle on the food cravings.
Tip # 1 Eat more nutrient-dense foods
When the body craves junk food, it is the body’s cry for the nutrients that it is not getting. Nutrient-dense foods are high in nutrients. These are the highest nutrient-dense foods: raw leafy green vegetables, solid green vegetables, non-green, non-starchy vegetables, beans/legumes, fresh fruits, starchy vegetables, whole grains and raw nuts and seeds.
Tip # 2 Have an exercise routine
Having an exercise routine helps keep your mind focused on improving your body. When you are focused on improving your body and staying fit, you make better food choices.
Tip # 3 Don’t bring junk food in your home
If you don’t have those food that you crave in your home, then it is easier for you to avoid the food. Family members might cause you have slip, because they bring the food in the house. If this happens tell your family member that you are not eating those foods anymore. Ask your family to help you by not bringing those foods into the home.
Tip # 4 Eat before you leave home to avoid temptation
Everyone enjoys eating out, but eating out can result in you eating those foods that you crave. Eating before you leave home helps you avoid those foods that you crave when you are out. If you happen to grab a bite to eat while you are out, you will more than likely not eat too much.
Tip # 5 Plan a time when you eat the food that you crave
Plan a time when you eat the food that you crave. When you eat the food that you crave, you will observe that your taste buds have changed and that the food doesn’t taste as good as remember. This results in you, not craving for that food anymore.
Final Words
Kicking food cravings in the butt is not easy. It is one of the most challenging things that you can do. However, if you stick with eating nutrient-dense foods, you will discover that you will not have the food cravings that you once had.
When you see that you no longer have the food cravings, you will make it a priority to eat more nutrient-dense foods. Give it a try; you’ll be glad you did.
Image courtesy of Ambro /
I really don’t bring junk foods home but my husband does! LOL! Now I made him promise not to bring home any fattening foods. He better learn to cooperative 🙂
Hi Jocelyn,
My husband does the same thing (buys junk food). I’ve learned to live with it because he ain’t changing anytime soon. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and chiming in!
My husband loves that book Eat to Live and really thinks in terms of nutrient-dense food, it’s a great paradigm!
Hi Mary,
Your husband has good taste in books. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
Great advice, particularly No 3. The amount of times I have said to my wife, that if it’s not in the cupboard, I can’t eat it.
Also, perhaps No 6 could be, ‘Don’t put it off until tomorrow’. Another massive personal failing.
Hi Stan,
Thank you for chiming in and sharing.
Your no. 6 is spot on. 😉
Have a great week!
Protein helps me a LOT when it comes to kicking food cravings! Protein fills me up so much that I don’t even think about eating anything else 🙂
Hi GiGi,
Yeap, I totally agree.
Thanks for chiming in!
Great tips Ev. I am actually doing all of these and I’m proud to say the cravings are getting better. I’d say they are reduced by about 30%. Only when Aunt Flo is in town do I struggle a little. The green smoothies are really helping.
Hi Michelle!
That’s great! I find myself in the same boat when Aunt Flo is visiting. I wonder why that’s the case. I’m glad to know that green smoothies are helping you. 🙂
Enjoy your weekend!
All excellent advise. For those with sugar cravings, also try eating dates if you already haven’t tried them. I only like Medjool dates. They are called king of the dates. They are plump and juicy. Dates are a very nutrient dense energy food. Packed with natural sugar and tons of electrolytes. All natural energy food!
Hey Aqiyl!
Thanks for chiming in. I like Medjool dates too. I’ve tried others, but they don’t compare to the ‘king of the dates.’ 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Great advice and so true! Thank you for always sharing such vital information! 🙂
Hi Carolyn. Peace and Blessings be with you. I hope all is well. 🙂
Hi Ms. Carolyn,
Thank you for stopping by and chiming in! 😉