I am a slacker when it comes to juicing, but today I am challenging myself to juice every day, along with eating a raw vegan diet.
While preparing for the raw vegan challenge, I decided to read Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices by N.W. Walker, D.Sc. I am reading this book because my goal is to make juicing a part of my life.
I have a pretty good juicer, that I rarely use. I put my juicer to use this past weekend and I’m ready to rock and roll.
The information that Dr. N.W. Walker shares in his book, Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices, is very helpful and beneficial. He makes juicing interesting and encourages you to include fresh juices in your diet.
Dr. Walker shares a lot of information about different types of vegetable juices and the benefits you get from drinking them. But there is one juice that stands out from the others and that is carrot juice.
The King of Juices – Carrot Juice
Carrot juice is the richest source of vitamin A. The body can easily assimilate this type of vitamin A. Carrot juice not only has a rich source of vitamin A, but this juice has a good supply of vitamins B, C, D, E, G, and K.
Benefits of Drinking Carrot Juice
Carrot juice has some awesome benefits. From what I am reading, it is a juice you can drink every day. No need to add other fruit and vegetables to carrot juice, it is potent all by itself. Most juicing recipes use carrots for sweetness, but it is more to it than adding it to juice recipes for sweetness.
The carrot juice molecule is like the blood molecule. Maybe this is one of the main reasons why carrot juice is so beneficial for the body.
Here are 8 benefits of carrot juice:
1. Helps in improving and maintaining the bone structure of the teeth
2. Helps nursing mothers enhance milk quality
3. Natural solvent of ulcerous and cancerous conditions
Rev. George Malkmus, founder of Hallelujah Acres, cured himself of colon cancer years ago. He ate a 100% raw vegan diet and drank lots of carrot juice during that time in his life.
4. Helps prevent infections of the eyes and throat, as well as tonsils and sinuses and the respiratory organs
5. Nourishes the entire system
6. Helps normalize weight as well as chemical balance in the body
7. Nourishes the optic system
8. Helps with dry skin, dermatitis, and other skin blemishes
There are more benefits to drinking carrot juice, than what I listed. Just know that, carrot juice is amazing and I don’t call it king of the juices for nothing.
If you are a person who juices, make sure you make carrots a part of your juicing recipes. If you are person who doesn’t juice, give juicing a try. You’ll be glad you did!
Question: Have you ever made your own fresh juices? If yes, what’s your favorite recipe? Do share!
Source of Information: Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices
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Great post! I LOVE using carrots. I include them in every juice I make. My fav combo is carrot, beet, celery, parsley and apple.
Hi Dana,
Welcome to my blog!
Sounds very good, Dana.
I checked out your blog and I liked what I see. 🙂
Take care,
I made watermelon, carrot and parsely juice this morning. I have been juicing for several years now.
That is great, Patricia!
Hey Evelyn. I’m giggling that I found your post through a Google search for “benefits of carrot juice”. I juiced 3 carrots today, and added 2 apples, plus 1/2 a pineapple. OMG! So delicious. Yes. I have a juicer now. My mother-in-law had a Jack LaLanne that she wasn’t using, so it’s mine now! I’ve got that Omega on my mind if the Lalanne ever dies.
Hey Josie,
Wow, that sounds very good. I hear Jack LaLanne juicers are pretty good. That’s great that you didn’t have to buy one, that way you can experiment with juicing, before you make a bigger investment.
Thanks for stopping by and chiming in.
I have been on a raw food diet for almost three months now and I have lost about 21kg. Today I decided to do a juice fast after looking at the movie “fat, sick and nearly dead” It motivated me to try it. I just had a large glass of raw apple juice with the peel. If this helps me loose some extra weight a little faster and has such great health benefits…why not!
Hi Tracy,
Wow, that’s great!
There are some very good juicing books on the market that will help you go that extra mile.
Best wishes,
I drink this stuff daily,One of God’s little secrets to health,,,,Enjoy From Columbus Ohio IT systems
Hey Jesse,
Thanks for stopping by and sharing!!
Hi Evelyn,
I just stumbled upon your blog, doing a little research on juicing myself. I’ve always loved carrot juice, and reading about all health benefits it offers makes me love it a tad more. One of my favorite juices includes: 5 carrots, a cored apple plus a tiny bit of ginger. It tastes incredibly refreshing!
Well, I wish you good luck, and will be returning to read your blog.
Hi Rita!
Your juice recipe is a combination I have had and it is refreshing. Thank you for sharing!
Take care,
Evelyn, stumbled across your blog while doing some research on various combinations of juices. First, hope you are doing well with your vegan dite efforts and continued juicing. Would be interested in your follow up. Secondly, a note of interest: I have been juicing on and off for a number of years, more OFF than ON due to the “time” issue. Oct 1, 2012 I was laid off from work after 9 yrs of continued service with one company due to change in Sr. Administration. Since I had all this extra time on my hands, I thought no time was better than to begin juicing everyday. By large, I am a “Bulk Thinker”, meaning – if I am going to spend approximately 1 hour of my day in preparation, juicing and cleaning my juicer, I want to get the best bang for my buck. Each day I juice the following and drink it over ice throughout the day:
4 carrots
1 beet
1 navel orange
1 red apple
2 stalks celery
1 green bell pepper
Handfull of spinach
Now I will be the very first to admit that the color has a lot to be desired, however it tastes very good. You can actually (or at least I can) taste each element. I think the combination of the carrots, orange, apple and beet offset the sometimes bitter juice of the spinach, pepper and celery. I would be interested in knowing if you or any of your followers have used a multi-veggie/fruit juice? It has been a month now, and I have noticed a slight change in my appeite, some weight loss without trying and a slight increase in my energy. Although I have not been to the Dr. to confirm this, I would think that my overall cholesteral should be lower with an added drop in my blood sugar as well.
Would love to hear your comments !
Hi Kathy!
Sorry to about you getting laid off. You’re taking the time and turning it into something positive by juicing.
Your recipe sounds pretty good. Juicing is very beneficial for the body. Even though I am more of a blender than a juicer, juicing is good for the body.
I have used a combination of fruit and vegetables. I would use an apple and/or lemon, but the content consisted of mostly vegetables, similar to the recipe that you have shared. It is a great way to get the nutrients we need in our bodies.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing, and congratulations on the slight changes that you have noticed. Keep it up!!
Carrot is also rich in vitamin A and help to improve eye health and prevent certain eye diseases such as night blindness.
Thanks for chiming in!
I am on day 14 of a 30 day juice cleanse and I have been incorporating a lot of carrot juice. I know you are saying you can drink it alone, but I happen to love the combo of watermelon and carrot. Try it it’s delish!
I’ve never tried watermelon and carrot juice. Interesting!
I am a hard core juice lover. Carrot juice my favorite. Not only for the reason this is tasty but also for the benefits as highlighted by you including a number of all natural cleansing and detoxification supplements it has got. I usually take it with a plenty of water for better cleanesing purpose. A great article indeed.
Hey Stella!
Thanks for chiming in!
Hi Evelyn,
I love carrot juice. I have a Vitamix but not a juicer– I should experiment with blending carrots in the Vitamix and see what I can come up with. Good luck with your raw vegan challenge.
Hi Mary!
You can make juice from your Vita Mix. I’ve never tried it, but I know it can be done.
I did one-week with my raw food challenge. I’m working my way up to doing more. Thanks for the well wishes.
Hi really enjoyed your post.
Will be honest was searching something totally different. Stumbled across your blog and was curious. I couldn’t think of anything different you would get out of drinking carrot juice that you wouldn’t get out of drinking any other juice. Was a pleasant surprise. Most people or maybe just me think of carrots and eyesight in the dark. Have never drank it but am now going to give it a go. If it tastes as good as it is good for you I will defiantly be a convert.
Thanks again very informative.
Hi Lee,
It is good for the eyes too.
Give it a try, I think it tastes pretty good.
Take care,
I love carrot juice! Sorry I can’t attach a photo to the comment here or I’d upload one where I was peeling about 40 lbs of carrots – we juice in batches and I freeze much of it (happy owner of a Norwalk juicer). Anyway, try mixing one apple (preferably green) for each pound of carrot, makes for a delicious drink. We also use carrot juice in soups and stews where the recipe calls for water, gives it a sweeter taste and also thicker broth. Superdelicious:-).
Hi Sarah,
Congrats on the Norwalk juicer! I’m jealous. 🙂
Thanks for the juicing tips too.
Take care,
I am bookmarking this post for my kids to read it once they come home from school. After this they can’t say no when I give them carrot juice 🙂
Hey Sara,
I hope your kids try it. Carrot juice tastes very good. Nice and sweet. 🙂
Take care,
Yum! Carrot juice is one of my favourites.
I haven’t experimented much with juice recipes as I don’t have my own juicer, but one time I was at my friend’s house and we made a carrot-mango juice. We used 5 medium carrots, one mango, and decorated with a couple of sprigs of mint. Delicious!
Hi Liz,
Thanks for sharing!
That combination sounds good.
Take care,
congratulations on going vegan! My juicer is sitting in the kitchen cabinet with the other neglected gadgets; my fine old blender, the thing that cuts a potato into french fries, electric rice cooker, etc. It was just too much hassle to clean it all the time and I’m lazy. I have some raw carrots I need to use up so maybe later today I will get it out and dust it off, there are other things I could juice too.
Hi Jim,
Dust off that juicer and go for it. 😉