Last year I used coconut oil a lot, but this year, I haven’t used it as much as I should. I recently bought some coconut oil from my local Vitamin Shoppe.
The main reason, I bought the coconut oil was to use on my hair, but I have since decided to add it back to my diet as well as skin and hair care routine. No matter what other products I use, I always find myself coming back to coconut oil.
Coconut oil is a healthy oil to use, internally as well as externally. Some call it nature’s elixir, because it helps with so many things.
Here are a few of the awesome benefits that coconut oil offers: weight loss, disease prevention (heart disease, cancer, and diabetes), stronger immune system, and beautiful skin and hair.
Facebook Friend’s Coconut Oil Testimony
Who wouldn’t want to use coconut oil? Here’s a testimony that I would like to share with you. This testimony comes from a Facebook friend:
This is a coconut oil testimonial: A couple of weeks ago I posted a link to a story of how a woman helped her 102 mother get some of her memory back by using coconut oil. I had seen other stories like this even on a local news report. I sent the article to my husband via email because I knew that was the only way he was going to read about it. Long story short, My mother in law is 94 years old had lost just about all her short-term memory and the ability to string a sentence together had became a chore for her, she would stamper over her words all the time, she would even call objects by other names. She was also in the process of losing the ability to walk.
My husband ordered coconut oil from amazon and I have been giving it to her for just over a week, and let me tell you the results have been truly amazing!! Not only can she make a sentence again but will even come and start a conversation with us! And even her walking has improved!! She is at this very moment sitting at the dining room table reading the June issue of Ebony magazine as I type this.
I know that there are some people who have their doubts about coconut oil and memory retention, but I am a witness to what it can do. And I give all praises to the creator who gave us living whole food to eat that also heals the body and the soul!! Praise the Most High Yah!!
Wow, that’s an awesome testimony! After reading my Facebook friend’s coconut oil testimonial, I decided to start back using coconut oil the way I use to use it. I have a few books about coconut oil and revisited those books. I came across some information that I thought you would find interesting.
Disease Prevention Using Coconut Oil
Today, I’ll share with you from The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D., disease prevention and treatment uses for coconut oil.
“Research and clinical observation have shown that medium-chain fatty acids, like those found in coconut oil, may help prevent and treat a wide range of diseases:
- Prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and stroke
- Prevent diabetes and relieve symptoms and health risk associated with the disease
- Support the development of strong bones and teeth
- Protect against osteoporosis
- Kill viruses that cause mononucleosis, influenza, hepatitis C, measles, herpes, AIDS, and other illnesses
- Reduce symptoms associated with pancreatitis
- Reduce severity of problems associated with malabsorption syndrome and cystic fibrosis
- Relieve symptoms of gallbladder disease
- Relieve symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and stomach ulcers
- Relieve pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids
- Reduce chronic inflammation
- Protect the body from breast, colon, and other cancers
- Prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay
- Prevent premature aging and degenerative disease
- Relieve symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome
- Relieve symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement)
- Reduce epileptic seizures
- Protect against kidney disease and bladder infections
- Prevent liver disease
- Kill bacteria that cause pneumonia, earache, throat infections, dental cavities, food poisoning, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, and dozens of other diseases
- Kill fungi and yeast that cause candida, jock itch, ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush, and other infections
- Expel or kill tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites
- Ward off skin infections
- Reduce symptoms associated with psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis
- Relieve dryness and flaking
- Prevent damaging effects of UV radiation from the sun such as wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots
- Control dandruff.”
Source of Information: The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D.
Discussion: Do you use coconut oil? If so, how do you use it?
I live in Texas and right now it appears we are being hit hard with West Nile Virus. Soooo it might be helpful to make a “mental note” of Coconut Oil. nothing to loose and everything to gain
The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil are known to kill disease-causing viruses. Consuming coconut oil on a regular basis may provide the body with the protection it needs to prevent an infection from the West Nile virus. Not only might it prevent an infection but evidence shows that it might be able to successfully treat active infections.
To prevent an infection, I suggest taking 2-4 tablespoons of coconut oil daily. If an infection takes hold, start taking coconut oil as soon as you first notice symptoms. The earlier you start, the more effective it is. I suggest taking 4-6 tablespoons of coconut oil during an active infection. The oil should be consumed in divided doses about every two hours throughout the day. It is best taken with food. Once symptoms subside, go back to 2-4 tablespoons daily. Use common sense and seek medical advice when necessary.
Dr. Bruce Fife N.D.
Thanks for sharing!
Forgot to mention ……..Coconut Oil is my “Robutussin” (Chris Rock)- I started “Oil Pulling” with Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil- I am very optimistic and will keep you posted. P.S. I love your blog- Keep it comin. I like to be “enlightened”
Okay! I’ve never tried oil pulling with coconut oil, I’ll definitely have to give that a try.
Thank you so much and I do appreciate your support! 😉
Thank you for this post. I have an un-opened jar of coconut oil in my cabinet. I need to pull it out of the cabinet and use it. I wonder how it will taste in a smoothie?!?
It will taste awesome in a smoothie. It gives it a good taste. 🙂
Hi Evelyn
I use coconut oil a lot now and actually that testimonial explains something. I was thinking that my memory seemed pretty good considering that I had run out of fish oil capsules some time ago and I know that they make a difference, but I have been cooking a lot with coconut oil! So that explains it.
I want to do a series on fats for my site eventually so coconut oil will undoubtedly get a post of its own.
Hi Jan!
That’s great, coconut oil is my favorite oil.
A series on fats sounds pretty good. So many people try to avoid fats, but a little fat isn’t bad, especially if it’s a good fat. So I know your series on fats, will be helpful.
Hola Evelyn,
Hope you, your husband and adorable little daughter are doing well.
Coconut Oil is my “product”. I use it for all cooking needs, hair moisturizer, skin moisturizer, supplement, toothpaste- and on and on.
I discovered coconut oil about 2 years ago and I am in love. It’s my miracle oil.
Hi Laila!
We’re doing very well, I can’t complain.
I hear you, I feel the same way. 🙂
Hmmm…toothpaste, now you’ve got me on this one. I’ll have to try that.
A miracle oil, indeed!
Thanks for stopping by!