My last blog post was in February of this year (seven months ago). On February 2, 2021, I posted about being consistent with posting on my blog. Some consistent blog poster I am, huh?
I feel bad because I told you that I was returning, and I even told you the days I would post. Well, I’m back again, and this time, I’ll continue writing. My goal is to post a few times a week.
Side note: I bought a new laptop specifically for writing.
Over the summer, I listened to Atomic Habits, by James Clear (Affiliate Link), via Audible. I plan to read it because reading a book works best for me. Nevertheless, I enjoyed listening to Atomic Habits. I was so motivated to get stuff done. The time has come.
What’s Going on with Me
First Day of School
Today is the first day of school for me, the teacher, and my daughter, the student. I’m excited to get back to teaching her because, for some time, I’ve been a tad burnt out. Thank God for my husband stepping in and reviewing with her over the summer. I anticipate that we will have a good school year and that my daughter will excel by leaps and bounds.
Creating Instead of Consuming
Last night, I decided that I will no longer be a big consumer of online content; I will focus on creating and producing what I want to put out in the world. If I consume content, it has to benefit me in some way. I refuse to waste my time. Time is something we never get back, and therefore, I must be a good steward of my time.
So, I am working on some projects that I am excited to see come to fruition. I don’t know when I will complete the projects, but you’ll be the first to know when I do.
I cannot tell you what it is; know that it’s something that will inspire, motivate, and make you smile. For a long time, I’ve wanted to do this, but I was too afraid. However, my desire to complete the project is more substantial than my fear. So move over, Mr. Fear, because I’m on a mission.
Less Time on Social Media
I spend a crazy amount of time on social media, and it’s time for me to break that habit. So I deleted Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok apps off my phone. And if I want to post on those platforms, I can do it from my desktop. But the funny thing is I don’t have any desire to post anything. Maybe because I know I’ll have little to no engagement. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
The only social media account I enjoy is my YouTube channel. A few people are always there to comment and cheer me on, and I appreciate them a lot. If it weren’t for them, I probably would have given up YouTube a long time ago. Watch my Channel Trailer below to see what topics I cover. (https://youtu.be/k3imRBn9q_w)
New Projects
The projects that I’m working on will take a lot of my time, so in essence, I don’t have time to waste on social media if it’s not benefiting me. I’m committed to doing what God has planted in my spirit, and that’s what I’m doing.
Final Words
Thank you for reading this post and for your support! I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.
I love writing, but I know I need to improve my writing to be a better writer. Do you know what that means? It means I’ll be writing more blog posts.
My first habit is to write daily and publish blog posts a few times a week. I’ll show you better than I can tell you. No promises, I’m just doing it.
Stay connected by joining my mailing list. I won’t flood your inbox, and you’ll hear from me once a week. I promise the emails will be worth it.
Until next time,
Take care and stay safe!
Congratulations to you for being determined to complete some unfinished projects! Although everyone doesn’t read blogs, I enjoy reading blog posts. I think that because of the “instant” society that we live in, many people prefer more instant forms of social media. I often hear people say that they don’t like to read any long posts. This can be saddening for those of us who enjoy writing. I tend to express myself better when I write. Anyway, I know that you and your daughter will have an amazing school year, and she is going to grow “in leaps and bounds”. I’m so proud of you for making her education a top priority. Parental involvement is SO important in the educational process. I look forward to reading your future posts. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, my friend!
Hi Trinity! Thank you so much!! I’m glad you enjoy reading blog posts. I got away from updating my blog because I didn’t think anyone would read it, but I”m over that. As long as someone reads, I’m good. I agree with you about social media; well, I agree with everything you’ve said. 😀
I express myself better when I write too. When I write, I feel free to let go because I enjoy it so much.
Let’s keep writing because we never know where that will take us. Who knows, I might look up and see your book on a Best Seller’s list. So, keep on writing.
Thank you for your encouraging words about my daughter and education; it means a lot coming from you. I value your words of wisdom.
Have a great week, and I am sorry for my late reply!!
Good to see you on the blog! Take care, my friend!!