Today’s topic is not what I had planned, but after weighing myself, I decided to write a blog post about why I’m gaining weight.
It’s been 3 and a half weeks since I recorded my weight, and I wasn’t surprised that the scale number increased. I’m not surprised because I know what I’ve been up to.
I chose to write this post because I believe the message will help someone who’s struggling to lose weight.
My Diet Story
Over the years, I tried a slew of restrictive diets. I thought I was on the right path, but I learned that I was a chronic dieter, trying to find something for which I could control.
The final straw was when I got sick while following a popular diet, the ketogenic diet. As a result, I stopped adhering to any one way of eating and began enjoying food.
Some people will probably say I’ve gained weight because, I added carbohydrates back to my diet, but that is not the reason, because there are many reasons why I’m a little fluffier than I was.
Why I’m Gaining Weight
Before I proceed any further, you should know how much I weight. Currently, I weight 156 pounds, and I’ve never weighed this much in my life, well, I have weighed 167 pounds, but that was when I was pregnant with my daughter.
Don’t believe the hype! There is no magic food, diet, or even exercise that will help you lose weight.
And here’s why I’m gaining weight
I’m Overeating
It is a known fact that if you eat more food (calories, energy) than you expend (burn), then you will gain weight.
Although I have an app to track my calories, I am not consistent with using it because I know that I will go over my allotted calories.
There are many reasons why I’m overeating and some of those reasons, actually contributed to my weight gain. You’ll learn what they are as you continue reading.
I’m Not Moving Enough
I follow the Fitbit Coach plan for getting lean, which requires four days of cardio/bodyweight exercises, but on the days I’m off, I try to do more walking as well as other activities.
Sometimes, I help my husband mow the lawn with a push mower. That works up a sweat and helps with burning calories.
It’s evident that I am not moving enough considering that I am taking in more food than I should and eating whatever, I want (no restrictions).
I’m Not Getting 7-9 Hours of Sleep
I know sleep and getting an adequate amount of rest is essential, but for some reason, I fell in the rut of averaging about 4-5 hours a night, and it’s tough breaking this unhealthy habit.
On July 18th, I’ll turn 48 years young, and menopause is knocking on my door. My metabolism is naturally slowing down, and lack of sleep isn’t helping with hormonal balance or weight loss.
One of the reasons why I can’t get in the bed at a realistic time is if because I’m a slave to my smartphone and YouTube. I can’t seem to put it down, and that’s a bad habit that has to end.

I’m Overeating Sugar
There are some foods I used to avoid like the plague, but now I find myself reaching for those childhood favorites and enjoying them.
Note: My husband can eat a lot of sweet treats and not gain a pound, but it doesn’t work like that for me.
Overeating sugar can affect hormones, weight, metabolism, and a host of other bodily functions. It can even impact your immune system.
Note: I had a cold, sore throat, and lost my voice for a few days in June (a rarity for me).
Sometimes when we know better, we put off doing better until we are ready.
One of the reasons why I’m writing this post and sharing my challenges is because it’s time for me to course correct.
The time is now.
Mentally Fed Up and Exhausted
I took a break from being active online because I needed time away. I’ll write more on this topic in the future, but for now, just know that I needed to step away for clarity and peace of mind.
My breaking point was when, I learned of a relative’s serious illness via a text message (who does that?), and it wasn’t even from the person who has the diagnosis.
Learning the news the way I did was upsetting, but helped me realize that although we have social media to stay connected with family and friends, we don’t communicate as we used to and we are more disconnected now than ever.
Mentally, I had a range of emotions flowing, which led to being in a dark place (not because of the text message I received). I was stressed, depressed, hurt, and confused about many things in my life, which led to my checking out for a while.
One of the reasons, I reached for food was to feel better and help me deal with what I was experiencing. I know better, but sometimes, you have to let nature take its course. It’s in the darkest times when we see the truth and light revealed.

Lack of Patience
I started tracking my calories/food, and after a few weeks, I fell off, because I observed no immediate change. Then, I started something new, and I repeated the pattern.
When we start a new program, be it for weight loss, fitness, or self-improvement, we must give it time and have patience.
Note: My husband told me to stick with what works, but I never do. I should take his advice, huh? lol
Not only do I lack patience with weight loss, but I also lack patience in other areas of my life, one in particular, is my daughter. I want my daughter to do things now, but it is hard for me to sit back and wait while watching her peers pass her by.
It’s possible that she’ll never be where I think she should be (I’m a realist), but I have to accept where she is now and make the most of the time and life we share together. She makes me smile and warms my heart more than I ever thought she would.
Final Words
As you can see, losing weight is not only about what you eat and how much you exercise. Yes, food and movement are a part of the process, but it’s not the only pieces to the weight loss puzzle.
We are whole beings, which means we are more than just the food we eat and the exercises we do. We have lives, experiences, feelings, and much more that impact weight loss and weight gain.
The next time you feel like giving up on your weight loss journey, still away and examine what’s going on in your life and with your inner man/woman. What you discover may surprise you.
Until next time.
Stay connected to who you are and what you believe.
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Hi Evelyn,
It sounds like you have figured out the problem areas, and based on the knowledge that you share with us (the readers), you know and understand how to implement solutions. Try not to be too hard on yourself. We all experience things that often take a negative toll on us. Please be encouraged – knowing that you are an OVERCOMER! The enemy will NOT have the final victory. Your daughter has made many gains, and I believe that because of your love and dedication to her development process, she will continue to progress. The saying “Rome was not built in a day”, applies to your great comeback! You WILL have a great comeback, and I believe you will share your victory – because with God, all things are possible!
Continue to be a blessing to others!
Hey Trinity! 🙂
Thank you for your heartfelt comment. I receive it! Your words are motivating and inspiring, but most of all, I love how you tie everything together with the Word of God. Everything that we need is in the Word. And you always, without fail, help me to see the evident truth.
You are a wonderful person, and I appreciate you!!
Have a blessed week, my friend!
Love this post – So raw and genuine. Every reason you have listed why you aren’t losing weight is every reason I am not losing weight. I would love to see a post on what you plan is to correct the bad habits, to give myself and others ideas of ways to improve our lives. You hit it on the nose when you said it’s about consistency!
Thank you for Sharing,
Hi Haley and welcome to the blog!
I’m glad you enjoyed the post! 🙂 Thank you for the feedback and for sharing what’s going on with you.
I appreciate you asking about my plan for course-correcting. I will document my journey every step of the way; stay tuned. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Have a great week!!
Hey Evelyn, great article and insight into your challenge. So just curious what conclusions you came to. Obviously you can lose weight, but something else is interfering, something external perhaps. You mentioned impatience for example. Am curious, do you have a workout partner that might help you stay the course? One thing that worked for me was to downsize. I don’t mean like moving into a smaller house but rather turning my life into a simpler existence. So, fewer meetings, going out less, few events, I stopped reading/watching/listening to all forms of news, which is mostly garbage and lies and intentionally designed to raise your blood pressure and stress level, etc.
The program that I find works best for me and my clients is Mike Mathew’s Thinner Leaner Stronger for Women. I am happy to send you a paperback copy if you like. I give/loan one to all my clients if they are interested. In this case, it’ll be a first edition (I think he is on the 3rd edition now) but still useful. The TLS program is a good one that I believe works for most folks.
But I think you hit a key ingredient, and that is time and consistency. Diet and exercise are a big part of weight loss, but so also is good quality sleep, being happy, low stress, and family/friends support.
Please DM on the other channel if you are interested, and so I can mail it to you. Thanks.
Hi Tom! Thanks for commenting!!!
Yeah, it is something external that is interfering. I don’t have a workout partner and exercise at home following the Fitbit Coach Lean program.
Well, I do need to stop reading the news. Reading the news is one of the first things I do when I wake up and the last thing I do when before falling asleep. I rarely watch or listen to the news. I’m glad you mentioned this because it does get my stress level up and I can correct that by deleting news apps from my phone as well as downsizing other areas in my life. It’ll be challenging at first, but I know I can do it.
I’ve never heard of Mike Matthew’s Thinner Leaner Stronger for Women. I’d love to read it.
Yeah, diet and exercise are a big part, and when I’m stressed or not sleeping well, I tend to make poor food choices.
I’ll be in touch and thank you so much for chiming in and sharing your expertise. I truly appreciate it!