My leave from social media has come to an end and I promised to share my experience with you. I learned many things, but today, I share three of the lessons I learned after being away for 30 days. No Social Media for 30 Days - What I Learned I learned that: Time is Valuable I learned that time is valuable. Going forward every block of time has value no exceptions. A note … [Read more...] about Social Media (what I learned after being away for 30 days)
Free e-Booklet – Foods to Avoid for Weight Loss
Free eBooklet, Foods to Avoid for Weight Loss I made it through fifteen days without any social media. During my time away from social media, I have gotten a lot of work done. I registered for a few classes, one class is about how to get published, and the second class is about learning to copy write for SEO. Soon I will take another class to learn more about gut … [Read more...] about Free e-Booklet – Foods to Avoid for Weight Loss
4 Reasons Why You Should Always Take Care of Self
One of my favorite aunts gave me a call with some news she received about her health. She probably thinks that I am always cool because my voice is always calm no matter what news she tells me. Hey, I'm just that kind of gal. I could tell by the sound of her voice that something was not right. I took a few deep breaths and got ready for what I thought was very bad. As my … [Read more...] about 4 Reasons Why You Should Always Take Care of Self
I Am Not Using Social Media for 30-Days
Today marks the first day of my 30-day challenge of not using social media. I thought about doing this 30-day challenge a month ago, but someone convinced me that my presence on social media is important, especially if I want people to buy my products and/or services. Side note: I do not believe that my presence on social media is important. Investing in SEO is something I … [Read more...] about I Am Not Using Social Media for 30-Days
Am I Really Providing Value or Am I Wasting Time?
There are times when readers of this blog and followers on social media tell me I share needed and helpful content. I smile and thank them for their kind words. But I have asked myself many times, "Am I really providing value or am I just wasting my time?" Today's post is not about me, but more about you. You're probably wondering, "How can this post be about me when she's … [Read more...] about Am I Really Providing Value or Am I Wasting Time?
How to Stop Overeating in 5 Easy Steps
Are you guilty of overeating? You have probably done some overeating in your life. Overeating is eating to excess. For the sake of this article, overeating is not when you overeat now and then. Overeating is when you overeat almost daily, without ever giving it much thought. Overeating stems from something deeper than you could ever imagine. How to Stop Overeating in 5 … [Read more...] about How to Stop Overeating in 5 Easy Steps