Today was the first day of school for my daughter. The first week of school is a refresher of what she learned last school year. We delved into writing and I started having thoughts of impending doom, but those thoughts quickly faded.
The thoughts faded quickly because my daughter showed me how awesome she is when it comes to math. Last year my daughter had a hard time grasping the way I was teaching her math. I thought then that she would never get it and that I would have to try something new.
Fast forward to the new school year, and the math technique, that I introduced her to last school year, was a breeze for her on the first day of class. I was so amazed and not only that, after we completed the lesson, she could tell how excited I was about how well she had done. My daughter hugged me and said, “AWESOME.”
Today, I learned that winners never give up, they keep pushing. It doesn’t matter if you finish last in the race, it is how you finish that matters most.
Here is something that deserves your attention, especially if you feel you can’t lose the weight, can’t eat healthier, can’t live healthier, can’t think healthier or can’t do anything right to reach your healthy living goals.
1. Focus on how you finish and not so much on how your begin. There are times when you might think that how you begin will determine how successful you will be, but that is not always the case. You might start off weighing 200 pounds, but see yourself at the finish line, reaching your weight loss goal.
2. Focus on the positive and not so much on the negative. Seeing the negative of the situation only blinds you to all the positive things that are happening right before your eyes. Fix your eyes on the positive and let the negative be your stepping stool.
3. Focus on you and keep your eyes off everyone else. Keep up with how things are going with you, where you want to be and how you will get there. Focusing on Susie’s perfect body while, doubting you will ever have the body you want, will only hinder your progress. Don’t let other people’s successes throw you off your game. Keep playing the game your way, because you know you will win, but you have to keep on pushing.
4. Don’t take things too seriously. Relax and don’t make everything a serious matter. It is not the end of the world if you eat a certain food that you were trying so hard to avoid. Realize that you are human and that things happen. Move on and learn from your experience. At the end of the day, it is not that serious.
Uncover what lies within you and watch yourself blossom.
Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid /
Hi Evelyn,
Good to be here again. Good thoughts and points to follow.
Yes,winners never give up, they keep pushing. That is great thought.
Yes, whatever may be we should not give up.
Keep Going Eve, Keep going, Victory is ours!!!
Hi Phil,
Thanks for stopping by and chiming in. I am always glad to see you on my blog.
Have a great week and appreciate your support!