Why You Should Read Keto Clarity
Keto Clarity is a good read for anyone dealing with the following chronic health issues:
- Epilepsy
- Type 2 diabetes
- Obesity
- Cardiovascular disease
- Metabolic syndrome
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Heartburn (GERD)
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Mental illness
- Depression
- ……and so much more!
Studies show that a ketogenic diet can be therapeutic for many of the chronic health problems listed above.
I Was Not Open to Keto Clarity
It was a year ago when I reached out to Jimmy Moore, author of Keto Clarity to congratulate him on his book and to let him know that I had plans to buy his book for the purpose of writing a review.
I was curious about Keto Clarity plus, I love reading and learning new information.
Jimmy was kind enough to send me a free copy of his book. I am ashamed to say that it took me almost a year to read Keto Clarity. I have evolved and I am no longer closed to what I think is incorrect. My motto these days is, “Don’t knock it until you rock it.”
I finally pushed aside my reservations and finished reading Keto Clarity. Once I got into reading the book, I could not put it down. I am glad to close-out 2015 having read Keto Clarity.
My Personal Connection to Jimmy Moore
Jimmy and I attended the same high school, had classes together and we were in the same high school graduating class. We also attended the same university. He’s still the same sweet person I remember. I am grateful to know him personally and to call him my friend.

My Story
A few months ago, I was stressed which led to inflammation and weight gain. I knew what I had to do to reduce what was going on in my body, but it wasn’t until I read Keto Clarity that I truly understood what I needed to do to get a handle on what I was feeling in my body.
I told you my moto, “Don’t knock it until you rock it.” Well, I’ve been rocking a low-carb, high-fat diet since November 1, 2015. I’ve had a few hiccups, but for the most part, my body feels the benefits of following a low-carb, high-fat diet. Who would have thought that eating high-fat diet, would be beneficial? I was very skeptical, but now I am a believer.
I am getting better sleep, no longer living under a cloud constant stress, my mood is better (so my husband says), the inflammatory issues are pretty much gone, and I my weight is decreasing.
About Keto Clarity
Keto Clarity: Your Definitive Guide to the Benefits of a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet
Author: Jimmy Moore with Dr. Eric C. Westman
Cost: $26.95 (hardback)
Chapters: 21
Pages: 304
Keto Clarity is easy to read and understand. Jimmy explains scientific terminology very well; he makes it easy. His style of writing is conversational and it feels like Jimmy is talking directly to you; explaining how a low-carb, high-fat diet works in simple terms.
Keto Experts
Keto Clarity is authored by Jimmy Moore with Eric C. Westman, MD. There are 22 keto experts that contribute to Keto Clarity. There are moments of clarity throughout the book and these moments of clarity are from the keto experts. The experts and moments of clarity are very informative and beneficial.
What’s Inside Keto Clarity?
Keto Clarity is not only a guide, but has examples of studies and success stories, that help ease your mind, especially if you are skeptical about eating a low-carb, high-fat diet.
Keto Clarity has twenty-one chapters, but I will share a few chapters with you.
Chapter 1: What is Ketosis and Why Do You Want it?
“Ketosis (pronounced KEY-TOE-SIS) is a metabolic state that happens when you consume a very low-carb, moderate protein, high-fat diet that causes your body to switch from using glucose as its primary source of fuel to running on ketones. Ketones themselves are produced when the body burns fat and they’re primarily used as an alternative fuel source when glucose isn’t available.” (Page 32)
“Ketosis is also an excellent way to lose body fat. Ketones are merely a by-product of burning fat for fuel. However, when you consume excess carbohydrates, they turn into body fat, which cannot be easily accessed for fuel.” (Page 35)
Did you know that there are health benefits that come from being in ketosis? Well, here are some of those health benefits of being in ketosis:
- Natural hunger and appetite control
- Effortless weight loss and maintenance
- Mental clarity
- Stabilized blood sugar and restored insulin sensitivity
- Increased HDL (good) cholesterol
- Improvements in metabolic health markers
- Faster and better recovery from exercise
- Decreased anxiety and mood swings. (Page 37)
Chapter 4: Doctors are Using Ketogenic Diets with Great Success
We learn in this chapter that plenty of doctors are prescribing ketogenic diets for their patients.
One doctor mentioned in this chapter is Dr. Gerber. “Dr. Gerber tracks weight, cardio-metabolic markers and other key health parameters to see how the shift to a ketogenic diet works for them. Dr. Gerber does not believe that we get fat or unhealthy by eating too much. He believes it has a lot to do with the quality, not quantity of calories that come from a diet of whole, unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods.” (Page 55)
Jimmy shares a number of doctors in this chapter who have had success with helping patients improve their health by using a low-carb, high-fat diet.
Chapter 7: Consume Fat, Especially Saturated Fat, to Satiety
Does this chapter sound controversial? It probably does because we have been programmed to believe that saturated fat is ‘bad’ for us, but that is not the case at all.
“Fat is not the enemy in your diet. Fat is your friend. So don’t fear it. Fat makes you feel fuller for longer periods of time than anything else you could possibly consume. And don’t forget, you need to eat fat in order to burn fat. And it only makes sense to eat fat when your body is a fat-burning machine, right.?” (Page 86)
Now that sounds, odd, but I have tried it for myself and it does work.
Chapter 12: Keto FAQ
There are many questions covered in this chapter. Any question you can think of is pretty much answered in this chapter.
Here are some faq:
- Can I exercise while I’m on a ketogenic diet? Yes.
- What happens if I mess up and get out of ketosis? Start all over again.
- Do I have to count calories to make ketosis happen for me? “This is one of the most freeing parts of a ketogenic diet – you don’t have to count calories.” (Page 145)
- I’m a vegetarian. How can I eat a ketogenic diet without consuming meat? “While it is certainly easier to follow a ketogenic diet if you eat meat, it’s not impossible for a vegetarian to experience the benefits of ketosis, if you allow yourself to consume eggs as part of your lacto—ovo vegetarian diet.” (Page 151) Dr. Westman says, “If ketosis is your goal, however you probably need to consider being a meatatarian – it’s difficult to get into ketosis on a vegetarian diet.” (Page 152)
Chapter 16: Solid Science for Using Ketogenic Diets Therapeutically
Jimmy says, “Be a careful consumer of research. – Learning to distinguish between strong and weak research is critical.” (Page 214)
Here are some of the health conditions that have improved and are backed by science:
- Epilepsy
- Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2 Diabetes)
- Weight Loss
- Cardiovascular Disease and Metabolic Syndrome
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- GERD and Heartburn
- Nonalcholoic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Keto Clarity has chapters that also include a Food Shopping List for Creating Ketosis, Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes for Nutritional Ketosis and a 21-Day Kick-start Keto Meal Plan.
Final Words
As you can see, Keto Clarity has a lot of information and I only scratched the surface.
I share this book with you because I believe this book will help you understand how eating a low-carb, high-fat diet can improve your health.
It’s been ingrained in our minds that eating fat, makes us fat. I used to believe that, but now I know better
If you’ve been trying to lose weight or have other health concerns. Consider reading Keto Clarity, you will be glad you did.
Learn more about Keto Clarity on Amazon (affiliate link).
Image courtesy of Wonggy at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Wow! What an interesting concept – it goes against everything that we’ve been taught. What would be an example of a keto meal?
Hey Trinity,
Yeah, it does go against what we’ve been taught. I’m learning that a person can eat low-carb high fat without following a ketogenic diet. I am also learning that I have certain food intolerances and discovered it by tracking my glucose reading as well as paying attention to how my body felt after eating certain foods.
Example of a low-carb high fat ketogenic meal (what I do, others may do things differently)
I don’t eat anything that is high glycemic or foods that I know will spike my glucose level as well as those foods that I cannot tolerate.
Breakfast: eggs, avocado, kale/spinach, bacon or another fatty protein
Lunch: big salad or vegetables with protein
Dinner: salad/vegetables served with your choice of protein
Snacks: celery with a nut butter, boiled egg, or avocado with tomato
*I forgot to mention that healthy fat needs to also be included with each meal.
Some people eat/drink dairy, nuts, coffee, and chocolate and there are some people who do not eat these foods. I am sensitive to dairy (I can only do butter) and nuts; I’m not a coffee drinker.
Fruit is low, I usually stick with eating berries, lemons, oranges, and sometimes I will eat an apple. I usually stick with fruit that is low sugar.
You can do smoothies too, but they should be low-sugar to no sugar and have a source of fat, carbohydrate and protein it (at least, that’s what I do). Here’s an example of a smoothie I do sometimes: coconut water, kale/spinach, berries, avocado, coconut oil, coconut manna/butter, hemp seed protein powder or egg yolk or a protein powder of your choice, chia seeds. If I don’t put all the macronutrients in a smoothie I get hungry within an hour.
This is not a high protein diet, the protein is moderate. Moderate protein because too much protein can increase the amount of glucose in the blood and stall fat loss. I focus mainly on eating healthy fats and eating green leafy vegetables as well as other non-startchy vegetables.
I hope this helps and thanks for stopping by, my friend! 🙂