Today's post is written by guest blogger, Paul Vandykenz. The most critical factor of transitioning to the healthy Paleo diet is finding the willpower to start. This kind of diet away with grains, processed foods, dairy products and sugar. Most grains contain gluten whose regular consumption can lead to gluten intolerance. Grains also contain lectins that are natural toxins … [Read more...] about A Quick Start Guide to Paleo Diet
How to Stop Overeating in 5 Easy Steps
Are you guilty of overeating? You have probably done some overeating in your life. Overeating is eating to excess. For the sake of this article, overeating is not when you overeat now and then. Overeating is when you overeat almost daily, without ever giving it much thought. Overeating stems from something deeper than you could ever imagine. How to Stop Overeating in 5 … [Read more...] about How to Stop Overeating in 5 Easy Steps
Discover the Best Diet for You
How many of you get confused about the type of diet you need to eat? I am sure many of you have dealt with dietary confusion at some time in your life. I am no stranger to dietary confusion. Some of you are probably confused now, but I will give you a few simple ways to discover the best diet for you. Stop the Nutritional Information Overload Today, we have access to a … [Read more...] about Discover the Best Diet for You
Don’t Be Afraid of Trying Something Different
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~ Albert Einstein Have you been trying to lose weight for years, but have yet to experience your break through? Have you been eating a diet that you believe is healthy for you, but are left wondering why what you are doing isn’t working? Consider stepping out of your comfort zone and trying … [Read more...] about Don’t Be Afraid of Trying Something Different
Toxic Nutritional Beliefs that Keep You Stuck
How many diets have you tried? How many years have you been trying to lose weight? How long have you been trying to stick with a fitness routine? How long have you tried making healthy lifestyle changes? Oftentimes when we find ourselves stuck, we have to step back and reevaluate what we are doing. Toxic nutritional beliefs could be holding you back from reaching your … [Read more...] about Toxic Nutritional Beliefs that Keep You Stuck
Is There Anything I Can Eat That Doesn’t Get A Bum Rap?
The answer to the opening headline question is no. These days there is so much conflicting information about what foods we should eat versus those that we should avoid. With all this information out here, it’s a wonder anyone knows what to eat. Life was simpler when my father and great grandparents raised their own food. But these days things have gotten complicated. One … [Read more...] about Is There Anything I Can Eat That Doesn’t Get A Bum Rap?