Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t like vegetables and I don’t eat them?” Yes, I am sure you have heard this statement at some time in your life. Before changing my diet to a plant-based diet, I didn’t think much about people saying they don’t like vegetables, because I thought it was okay and pretty much the norm.
But now that I have changed my diet, learned about their importance, and have experienced better health, I don’t understand why a person would not eat vegetables. I don’t buy the excuse that a person doesn’t eat vegetables because they don’t like them.
As long as there are spices and herbs, you can make any vegetable taste good. Some vegetables may not taste good, but they sure are good for the body. Talk about the awesome benefits and you’ll see why you should be including them in your diet.
I understand that some vegetables may not taste the best, but those foods that don’t make your taste buds do the happy dance are usually the best foods for you and your body. I have never heard anyone say that they don’t like fruit. Wonder why? Well, who can deny juicy, sweet and succulent fruit. No one I know.
If you don’t like eating fruits and vegetables or you find that you don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, here are some interesting facts that may help you start eating more fruits and vegetables.
Some Fruit and Vegetable Facts
1. Vegetables are a better source of minerals. (builders)
2. Fruit is considered a better source of vitamins. (cleansers)
3. Fruit is ripened by the sun and vegetables are not.
4. It is always best to eat ripe fruit, if you can get it.
5. Green vegetables are a good source of Vitamin A.
6. Fruits and vegetables are best eaten seasonally.
7. Fruit cleanses the body.
8. Vegetables have a lower sugar and moisture content.
There you have it! There are many facts about fruits and vegetables, but I only listed a few. If you are that person who can’t stand vegetables, and rarely eats fruit, don’t you think it’s time you started eating fruits and vegetables?
Reference: Foods that Heal
Hello All, most vegetables and fruits you can eat. They are very nutritious for you. The eastern side of the world had been eating bamboos, dragon fruits, and other exotic foods for thousands of years. Try the fungus, which is almost like mushrooms except it is grown from the tree somewhere in Asia and mostly they are dried.
Discover the wonder of fruits and vegetables at the Asian grocery stores! I’m glad to see more seasonal exotic fruits out there now.
To your health!
Hi Chen!
Thanks for chiming in!
You’re absolutely right. I have tried some exotic foods and have enjoyed them. Granted, some of the foods, I have to acquire a taste for. 🙂
Take care,
I wonder why are there some people who don’t like vegetables, whatever the reason, it’ll cause some illness because they’re rich in fiber and vitamin. I think it’s because they never try it so that they don’t like them
ideal protein diet
Thanks for sharing Evelyn. Since on my new improved eating, I eat probably 80% more veggies and fruits than before.
I didn’t know that one was a cleanser and the other a builder. So it’s great to have both!
Hey Michelle,
That’s awesome! Keep it up! 🙂
The hardest thing about eating the vegs in my house is diversity. I’m getting tired of the same old same old. But did you know bamboo is actually a great food? Bamboo is rich in nutrient components, mainly proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and fibre and are low in fat and sugar.
Luckily my kids are health nuts, and eat their vegetables at dinner and fruits for snacks… now if I could just practice what I preach!
Hi Greg,
Never knew that we could eat bamboo. Learn something new everyday. 😉
That’s great that your kids eat their veggies and fruits.
Take care,
I think fruits and vegetables are the best foods that we can have. They provide us all the necessary nutrients and promote overall health. I personally love plant based foods. Nice article!
Hi Sourav,
Glad you love plant-based foods. They help us in so many ways!
Take care,