It does not matter if you are working on improving your diet, losing weight, incorporating a fitness plan, doing self-care rituals, or making healthier choices. Whatever your goals are, you can avoid these five health journey mistakes in 2017.
Note: The inspiration for this blog post comes from Michelle at Fine Hair and Faith.
Mistake #1 Comparing Your Journey to Another Person’s Journey
Comparing your journey to someone else’s journey is something that you probably do without even thinking about it. You see others losing weight and reaching their goals, while you are struggling just to make things happen, is disheartening.
You will question why you have not lost any weight or why you are not making any progress on your journey. Comparing slows down your progress and might even discourage you which can result in you quitting.
Stop with the comparison game; start focusing on your health journey and learn what works best for you.
Mistake #2 Not Working with a Professional
I tried getting into fitness on my own, but I could not stay consistent, plus I did not know what I was doing. It wasn’t until I signed up for an Online Fitness Program, offered by Tamara Grand, that I finally learned what to do and how to stay consistent. I am happy that I now enjoy fitness and value having a fitness routine.
If you need help and guidance on your health journey, do not hesitate to get it. Do not let the cost of getting the help you need hinder your health journey.
Stop telling yourself that you cannot afford to work with an eating psychology coach, personal trainer, nutritionist or life coach. If you think you cannot afford it, you will eventually believe it.
Invest in yourself; you are worth the investment!
Mistake #3 Getting Overloaded with Information
There is a lot of information out here, and it is easy to get overloaded with information. It is always good to learn as much as you can about how to reach your health journey goals, but do your best not to let the information slow down your progress.
You will discover that much of the information out here gets confusing and leads to frustration. It is always a good practice to learn but to not get caught up in knowing everything.
Stop letting information overload get the best of you. Do what works best for you and stick with it.
Mistake #4 Allowing a Tool or a Device to Affect Your Self-Worth/Esteem
How many of you hop on the scale to weigh yourself with high expectation? Yeah, I know you do, because I have been there and done that. You are happy before weighing yourself, but after stepping on the scale and you see the number is not what you expected, you feel bad about yourself.
Here’s another one, if you’re following a low-carb high-fat diet and test your blood glucose and the number is not in the range, you will think of yourself as a failure. You know what, the blood glucose reading could be where it is for other reasons that have nothing to do with the food you ate.
Stop allowing tools to affect how you feel about yourself. Use the scale and other devices for what they are (tools) because you cannot find happiness in a number, especially since weight and other numbers you track are not constant.
Never give your self-esteem or your self-worth away to a tool or a device. You have the power and are in control and not some device.
Mistake #5 Not Giving Your Health Journey Time
In search of fast weight loss, muscle-building, fat burning and getting healthy. Do you want any of these things to happen quickly? I know you do, because I have at some point on my journey.
But guess what? Time is your best friend on your health journey. You cannot rush it; you just have to stay consistent. With consistency comes results and amazing transformation.
Stop speeding through your health journey, slow down, and embrace it for it is. Trust the process and know that in due time you will reap the benefits.
Be patient, keep moving, and never give up!
Discussion: What mistakes have you made on your health journey? Please tell us in the comment section. Thanks!
Starting working with a professional (my personal trainer) is what really kicked my routine up a notch. Like you said it was hard to get motivated on my own and I wasn’t doing everything I should be doing, such as lifting weights. Mistake number three is one I really struggle with – there’s almost too much information now a days – or at least it’s too easy to access. I get so caught up in all of these videos on Instagram of things I should try.
That’s great! Working with a professional is a great way to help us succeed with our healthy living goals. Yeah, I hear you. It’s easy to get caught up these days. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!!
I’m good for 4 of these, but getting help from a professional isn’t going to be one of them. Not that I haven’t tried in the past but I’ve been let down so many times that I finally learned to depend on myself.
Hi Mitch,
Sorry about your past experiences with professionals and I have to say, that I’ve been let down a few times too. As it relates to those who let me down, I just learned to depend on myself and not to do business with those folk. Thanks for sharing!!
Take care,
Comparison is a big no, while taking care of health because everyone has different body type. I like how you mention the things in an easy way. Good work.
Thanks, Sapana! 🙂