Do you know that what you believe matters? If you do not think that what you believe matters, just keep reading.
I was asked to read and write a review of Dr. Eldon Taylor’s book, I Believe and that is what this article is about.
My goal is to inform you about I Believe and to share some take home points with you that I got after reading, I Believe.
Why You Should Read This Review and I Believe
You should read this review to learn more about I Believe. This review will help you understand why what you believe matters.
If you are on a journey of personal and/or spiritual growth, then I Believe is a good book for you to read. I Believe will help you reflect on who you are, as well as help you focus on why what you believe matters.
A Positive Attitude Makes Life Better
Before I tell you about I Believe, I have to tell you that this is not the kind of book that I would normally read. However, I am glad that I had the opportunity to read this book, because I learned more about myself.
There are many golden nuggets in this book, but one that stays with me is that we must be positive about every situation in our lives, be it good or bad. I am the first to admit, that it is very hard to have a positive attitude about something that you perceive as bad. I have come to the realization that things are not as bad as we perceive them when we have a positive attitude.
Sometimes, I am not very optimistic about my daughter reaching certain milestones (I am a realist, I guess that is the scientist in me). When I am optimistic and believe that certain milestones are possible, those little things happen when I least expect it. However, when I do not have a positive attitude, it takes longer for me to see progress.
All I am saying is that after reading I Believe, I understand how important it is to have a positive attitude about everything in life, even the smallest things, because it makes you feel good and of course there is less stress.
The Book – I Believe: When What You Believe Matters!
“I Believe reveals the importance of choosing your every life belief and the effects these choices have on the quality of your life—affecting areas that may surprise you in ways you have not thought of. From influencing how long you will live and how your DNA expresses itself to what you will allow yourself to see and hear, I promise that you will be astounded at the many consequences for every belief. It’s like a spider web that continually builds upon itself often trapping us where we don’t want to be. The book also comes with a CD featuring Eldon’s patented InnerTalk technology.”
I Believe has 26 chapters and they are listed below:
- Chapter 1: The Power of Belief: Who am I?
- Chapter 2: Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
- Chapter 3: Be Honest with Yourself and Embrace Your Flaws
- Chapter 4: Integrity Inviolate
- Chapter 5: Who Am I?
- Chapter 6: Life and Pain
- Chapter 7: Love and Cruelty
- Chapter 8: The Gods of Science
- Chapter 9: Attached to Un-attachment
- Chapter 10: Enlightenment
- Chapter 11: Trying, Losing, and Persisting
- Chapter 12: Goals and Ambitions
- Chapter 13: Competition
- Chapter 14: Instinct and Intuition
- Chapter 15: Afterlife and End of Life
- Chapter 16: It’s Never Too Late
- Chapter 17: Balance
- Chapter 18: What’s Wrong with This Picture? The Law of Attraction
- Chapter 19: Frolic and Folly
- Chapter 20: Blessings and Resolutions
- Chapter 21: Falsophrenia
- Chapter 22: Peace
- Chapter 23: The Value of Mortality
- Chapter 24: Relationships
- Chapter 25: The Mind-Body Believe System
- Chapter 26: I Believe in You
Take Home Points
When I read a book, I usually underline or write down golden nuggets. Below are a few of the golden nuggets from I Believe:
“I believe that life is an experience, and we’re here in part to “taste the chocolate.” p. 44
Charlie’s Dream “He’d learned these things: knowledge is not necessarily wisdom, experience is not always a kind teacher, and passion is sometimes a poison that betrays whatever value there is to be in experience and knowledge.” p. 121
Reflection questions (Blessings and Resolutions) that Dr. Taylor asks you to think about. “Do you believe love is the great equalizer? We often receive our greatest blessings in what we give. Our highest purpose is probably in how we serve. Why don’t you try this for yourself if you haven’t already?” p. 144
“The greater the expectation the greater the effect. In other words, building a strong belief creates the foundation for the result.” p. 173
“In short, the power of your belief is absolutely enormous and has long-standing consequences for your health and wellness.” p. 175
“You’re a miracle and the spark of the Creator exists inside you.” p. 182
Final Thoughts
I Believe is an easy read, but it took time for me to get into the book. The reasons it took me longer to get into this book are:
- Not the kind of book that I usually read, but I enjoy reading period.
- Had a slight religious tone, but on the other hand I had to guess about the religion of the author. I wasn’t sure if I was reading something that was new age or not and I’m still not sure.
- I stated that it was an easy read, but there are some big words that I had never seen. You might need a dictionary, but do know that the book is not loaded with big words.
- I had an electronic version of this book and I am the type of reader who likes to have a book in hand. I haven’t crossed over to reading books on electronic devices and I don’t think I ever will.
I Believe is an easy read and the chapters are short. There are reflection questions at the end of each chapter for you to answer relating to the chapter.
Each chapter provides helpful information.
I enjoyed reading this book and I felt like I was having a conversation with Dr. Taylor.
I recommend this book to anyone who is on a personal growth journey. You will definitely look at your life and what you believe in a new light.
It is a great eye opener on how belief plays a big role in everything that we do and everything that happens in life.
Author: Dr. Eldon Taylor – I Believe: When What You Believe Matters!
Price: USA/CAN $16.95 | UK 10.99
Pages: 211
Disclaimer: I was provided an electric version of I Believe for free for a review. This is an honest review and I was not paid for this review.
Believe is one of finest power for the men. Especially when men have lost his believe to other people.
Hi Fahad,
Thanks for chiming in!
Believing in self is powerful.
Hi Evelyn,
Great review. You were very thorough in your points. This book sounds interesting and something I’d like to read. Thanks!
Take Care, Tam
Hi Tam,
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are doing well.
I think you would enjoy reading this book.
Have a great week!
Wow, Evelyn, your #2 under final thoughts is something that(as I believer in Christ), I am often very sensitive to whenever I read anything. Thanks for the review. This book does sound as if it has some awesome advice concerning positivity in reaching personal goals. Have a great weekend!
Hi Trinity!
How are you?
Thanks for stopping by and reading the book review.
I believe the author, Dr. Taylor is a Christian, but he wrote about Christianity, Buddha, Gandhi, and even touched on atheism, so that’s why I mentioned that about new age. I think the intention is to reach everyone regardless of a person’s religious beliefs.
I Believe is a good read and I think it will be helpful for those on a personal growth/development path.
It’s good to see you and you have a great weekend too!