There are many ways to manage stress, but one of the many ways I handle stress is something you’ve probably never considered because I’ve never thought about it. I didn’t realize it until after I did it. Today, you’ll learn one way I manage stress by styling my daughter’s hair.
Did you know that crafting and even hairdressing are relaxing and helps with managing stress? They are great ways for de-stressing. I mention crafting because soon, I’ll be carving out time to learn a new craft, loom knitting, thanks to Wambui Bahati.
A New Discovery
I recently discovered while styling my daughter’s hair that it relaxes and settles my mind. Some of you may not know, but I’m a licensed Cosmetologist. And I never thought of hair as a way to manage stress.
I don’t know of any research to back this up; I’m just sharing what I’ve experienced. It takes time and patience to style another person’s hair. During the styling session, it’s quiet and I’m focused, no stress in sight.

Styling Hannah’s Hair
I’ve styled Hannah’s hair for most of her life, and I enjoy it. When she was a toddler, it was challenging to shampoo her hair, but as she’s gotten older, she loves getting her hair styled. We laugh, act silly, and enjoy the moment. It’s the perfect time for mother-daughter bonding.
When I’m styling Hannah’s hair, there’s nothing on my mind. I don’t worry about what’s happening in the world, the latest gossip, or what my next meal is. It’s just the two of us, and the only thing I have on my mind is making her look pretty.
Hannah Loves Hair Styling Sessions
I never thought that Hannah would warm up to having her hair styled, but one day she cooperated, and if I’m hurting her, she doesn’t hesitate to let me know.
Today, she gathers the hair tools, scrunchies, and anything she knows I use for styling her hair. I think she enjoys our hairstyling sessions, just as much as I do.
I notice while I’m shampooing Hannah’s hair and scrubbing her scalp the way hairdressers often do at their shampoo bowls, she’ll say, “Oh, Ma,” and laughs. I ask her, “Am I hurting you, or does it feel good on your scalp?” She just smiles, which is a sign that she’s enjoying it.
Nothing warms my hair more than seeing Hannah run to the mirror to check out her new hairstyle. She never pouts or complains about her hair, something I can never say I did as a child.
Hannah takes a long, in-depth look in the mirror, smiles the biggest smile I’ve ever seen, and says, “It’s pretty.” Then she begins shaking her hair and smiling, which says, “I love it, Mom!” Sometimes, she’ll say, “I love it!” I always tell her she’s pretty, but I also want her to know it, and I think she does.
Final Words
Some people believe styling a child’s hair is a chore and too time-consuming, but not me. It’s a time for me to de-stress and enjoy the little person I am blessed to have in my life, and it’s also time spent doing something for her that I know she loves.
It’s the little things that we never take notice of that truly calms the mind, body, and spirit. Are we paying attention, or are we just running so fast through life that we miss the meaningful opportunities for de-stressing? Tap into it and pay attention!
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Hey Evelyn, i really enjoyed you and hannah’s video styling her hair. She is so adorable and has such a warm beautiful smile that when she did that great big beautiful, she automatically made me smile. Our kids are such a blessing and bring so much joy into our lives, and you are right that some of the most precious moments we sometimes see it as a chore oppose to enjoying the moments given. Thank you so much for the reminder. You have a great blog and i am happy to be a part of it. Much success and Happy Mothers Day.
Hey there Logical One!
Thanks for visiting my blog and welcome!
I’m glad you enjoyed this video! 🙂
Hannah has a way of warming people’s hearts and I don’t say that because she’s my daughter, I say it because people like you and others tell me.
Yes, sometimes when I’m feeling down, it’s like Hannah senses it and then she does something to lift my spirits.
I appreciate you stopping by; you said would, and here you are; a person of your word!
Happy Mother’s Day, Ms. Logical One!!
I really enjoyed the video. Your hair looked absolutely amazing in the video – so much volume! You and Hannah look as if the two of you would make great hair models. You styled her hair in one of my favorite natural hair styles! Distressing is so important, and during the uncertain times that we are currently experiencing, it is of utmost importance that we all find a way (or ways) to relieve stress. Some of the best stress relievers can be common, everyday things such as doing hair. For me, completing my nightly skincare routine is a time for me to destress and wind down. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Trinity!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Oh, my hair was just the remnants of a curly fro, I’ll be doing a video on how I get my hair like that in a future video; I’m glad you mentioned it! 🙂 I appreciate your compliments!
Yes, we must destress now more than ever. It is so much going on; signs of the time. I’ve been lazy with my skincare routine, thank you for reminding me by sharing how doing your nightly skincare routine helps you destress. I’m back on it, you don’t have to tell me twice. 🙂
Good to see you and Happy Mother’s Day!!