I was asked by the Recall Center website to participate in their “Who Keeps You Healthy” campaign. It is a campaign to share with others who keeps us healthy, to express appreciation and to also give the person the credit they deserve for helping us stay healthy.
At the end of March, the Recall Center will feature a collage of images and quotes from all participants in their Community Section, as well as highlight their favorites on their blog.

Who Keeps Me Healthy?
It was not hard for me to think of the person who keeps me healthy. She is a friend, mentor and like a second mom to me. She is someone I admire because she did not let her age stop her from making healthy lifestyle changes. The person who keeps me healthy and is my health hero is, Ms. Carolyn Akens.
I met Carolyn Akens online sometime in 2009 or 2010. I cannot remember the exact year, but I do know that we met online through the first blog that I ever launched. She would visit my blog and leave comments and from there our friendship blossomed.
I had the opportunity to meet Carolyn in person and interview her. Carolyn is a soft spoken, petite woman who has a big, beautiful spirit, an infectious, radiant smile, and a strong determination to help others be the best they can be.
You would not know it by looking at her, but Carolyn has had some life experiences that should have broken her spirit into pieces, but she overcame her past and settled for greatness.
Carolyn’s Healthy Lifestyle Change
Carolyn got a wakeup call when her brother, who was in his early 40’s died suddenly, leaving a wife and young children behind. She realized that after her brother died that she had to make some healthy lifestyle changes and waiting to make those changes was not an option for Carolyn.
Carolyn was 57 years old when she made healthy lifestyle changes. To some 57 years old is too old to make healthy lifestyle changes, but Carolyn did not think she was too old to make changes. She did what she had to do then and today she keeps on doing it.
Carolyn Today
Today, Carolyn is 63-64 years old and she wears her age well. If you meet Carolyn in person, you will think she is lying about her age, but she is not. Carolyn has five grown daughters, grand-children and even great-grand children. She is the beacon of light for her family and all who cross her path.
Carolyn is a Raw Food Chef , trains and certifies others to be raw food chefs. She is also a personal chef, preparing food for those who have dietary and health issues. Carolyn is an awesome Holistic Health Coach and so much more.
Why Carolyn Is My Health Hero
I choose Carolyn as my health hero because she is one who has overcome and who didn’t let her age stop her from making healthy lifestyle changes. She helps keep me healthy by reminding me to:
- believe and have faith in God
- pray
- smile
- stay positive
- have a pleasant spirit
- love and take care of my emotional and mental self
- love others, but know when to walk away
- drink more water
- exercise more
- make fresh juices
- make fresh smoothies
- make Kale salads
- eat more raw vegan foods
- take my supplements
- learn as much as I can about health and living healthy
- eat the most healthy and nutrient-dense foods
- stay true to myself.
If a 64 year old woman can live a healthy, vibrant life, there is no excuse why this 42 year old woman cannot do the same. When I look at all that Carolyn accomplished in such a short amount of time, I really have no excuse. I will not quit and I will always keep moving.
As long as you are alive, it is never too late for you to get healthy; but you have to want to change. If Carolyn can do it, we can all do it.
P.S. I hope Carolyn doesn’t mind me sharing her age (lol).
Very motivational and inspirational story Evelyn! It shows you that you’re truly never to old to turn your life around. Carolyn looks amazing!
If this is what 64 looks like, then bring it on!
Hi Judy!
Never too old for change.
Yes, she looks amazing. Bring on 64. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
YOU have been such an inspiration for me. YOU are my healthy lifestyle hero. When I seriously made up my mind to make healthy lifestyle changes, I wanted to find someone who not only talked the talk, but who walked the walked. Yes, there were acquaintances and family who made attempts to eat right. However, these same people were and are taking so much prescription medication. When I saw this, I decided that I didn’t want to have to take all of the long term medications and deal with the possible side effects. I decided that there must be more. I sought to educate myself beyond medical science. As I started to search the web, I found a wealth of information. I found people of all nationalities. I wanted to find someone who looked like me. Why? Because I needed to know that there were other Black American women who lived in the south (in the midst of all the southern cooking) who actually practiced healthy eating and living. Well, finding others wasn’t quite as difficult as I thought it would be. However, finding other women who lived in the southern region of the U.S. – and in my age group was a task. Somehow and someway, I was led to your blog. Wow, I was elated! I had almost convinced myself that this kind of healthy eating was extreme, unacceptable, and impractical. Evelyn, I’m so glad that I found your blog and videos. I’m also happy that you are accessible. You are not someone who is a galaxy away and who has no idea what it is like to enjoy southern food. My goal is to continue to improve my eating habits. I’m not where I want to be, yet. But, I’m closer than I’ve ever been. I am finally understanding the real connection between eating and how I feel and look. Sorry that this is so long. But, I felt compelled to write this. Thank you so very much for being a trailblazer for Black American women who grew up eating a certain way. Continue to educate and share. Your work is not in vain!!!
Hi Trinity!
I am humbled by your words. It is feedback like this that keeps me pressing on.
I totally understand your wanting to find someone who looks like you, because as it stands black Americans most ‘not all’ black Americans (women and men) don’t take healthy living/eating seriously. It appears as though there are no black Americans out here who are trying to live healthy, but we are out here. I plan to upload a video on this topic and share the You Tube channels of other black Americans who make videos related to healthy living. People need see and know that black Americans do eat well and live healthy lives. If we don’t put it out here, people will continue to believe that we don’t exist. I think some people put too much energy/attention on the outer/external things (really don’t matter), while neglecting the inner/internal/body-temple.
I am so glad that you are closer to improving your eating habits. All it takes is for you to take that step and the rest will follow. This type of change does not happen over night, it is a life long journey in which you grow and evolve, learning as you go. I am not where I want to be, but thank God I’m not where I used to be. You have to keep moving and don’t worry about what others are doing around you. Believe me, they will notice the beautiful changes in you and want to know what you are doing. Keep on moving and don’t ever give up!
There is no need for you to apologize for writing a long comment. I’m grateful that you shared what you felt in your heart. I needed to read these words as this appointed time. Thank for being such a loyal supporter of what I do. If you ever have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Ms. Carolyn is having a Spring Detox and it starts on April 14, 2014. I am participating in it and if you are interested, please check out the link: http://www.chefcarolyn.com/health-coaching/programs/spring-detox/ If you think it is something you would like to do, please email me before you sign up. Thanks!
P.S.S. The video hair demo goes live on Saturday. I think you will like it and I hope you get some helpful tips from it. 😉
Good for you both. I was a bit like Carolyn (although my parents were health “nuts”:), I abused my body by my food and lifestyle until I was in my late fifties. I worked to hard and didn’t take care of myself. The older I get (72 in May), the healthier I become. Family genetic risks don’t worry me. I just keep eating well and exercising and trying to be healthy and active until the time I go.
Hi Mother!
Your testimony is very inspirational. It goes to show that if we take care of ourselves, that we can be in good health as we age.
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us.
Evelyn, I love you so much and I am so humbled by your kindness, thank you.
Evelyn, you are such an amazing young woman with so much wisdom and a beautiful spirit. God bless you in all that you do. I am blessed to call you friend, daughter, sister. You exemplify a Phenomenal Woman!
Hi Ms. Carolyn! Thank you so much for your kind words. <3
Big Ups to Carolyn! Continue your good work and continue inspiring. <3
Hey Aqiyl! It’s good to see you and I hope all is going well with you.
All is great! Just busy busy busy! 🙂
That’s good! I figured you were busy. All the best to you! 😉