My skin use to look bad. I can remember using Noxema and other commercial products to rid my face of the awful looking breakouts, but topical solutions, only worked for a short time.
As I have gotten older and changed my diet, my skin looks the best it has ever looked in my life. I wish my skin looked like this 15-20 years ago. Wow, that’s a lot of years. But we live and we learn.
People often ask me what I use on my skin and I always tell them, them that it is not so much what I use on my skin, but more about what goes into my body that makes all the difference.
Today, I’ll reveal my beauty secrets. Are you ready?
1. Drink water. Years ago, I did not know what water was. I hardly ever drank water. But today, I take water with me every where I go.
2. Green smoothies. I try to have a green smoothie everyday. And when I do not have a green smoothie, I always make sure to eat green leafy vegetables.
3. Stay away from junk food. Junk food as in those foods loaded with unhealthy fats, sugar, white flour, white sugar, and salt. Foods with these ingredients do nothing for your health not to mention your skin.
4. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Some people have told me, I do not like vegetables. I look at their skin and I can tell they do not too much that comes from a plant. Try each day to get your servings of fruits and vegetables in, you will feel and look better too.
5. Use natural products on your skin. When I was using commercial products, I would always have reactions to the products. I have sensitive skin, but since I have started using natural products and keeping skin care simple, I have no issues with my skin being sensitive to the natural products that I use.
6. Stay active. Exercise and move that body. It gets the blood flowing and helps your skin too.
7. Dry skin brushing. This is a form of removing dead skin cells. You can exfoliate your facial skin with a natural product of your choice, but you can exfoliate other skin by dry skin brushing. This helps your skin feel so smooth and soft.
8. Detox/cleanse your body internally. Do 1-2 day juice fast or some type of cleanse to help your body get rid of some of the things that are weighing you down. You will feel good after doing a cleanse and your skin will look good too.
9. Do not let things stress you out. I know when things stress me out, I tend to eat junk foods more during the time of being upset and stressed out. Control your emotions and do not let your emotions control you.
10. Basic skin care regimen. Some people think they need several different products to have healthy looking skin, but that is not the case. Always remember that less is more.
Here is how I keep my skin care regimen simple.
Cleansing: African-black soap or Dr. Bronner’s Magic Tea Tree Soap with Shikaki.
Toning: Witch hazel or rose-water (this is not a step I do all the time, only when I feel my skin needs it.)
Exfoliation: I use Moroccan clay mask only when I needed it.
Moisturizing: I use different oils (argan oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil – not all at once) during the day and sometimes, I will use shea butter at night. There are times when I forget to moisturize.
Products that I must have are Dr. Bronner – Organic Shikakai Tea Tree Body Soap, Certified Organic Argan Oil, and Shea butter.
What are your favorite skin care products?
Thanks for the tips. I personally use brown sugar to exfoliate my face. Only once a month though, to keep the skin healthy.
Hi Rita!
Sometimes, I use sugar too. thanks for sharing and chiming in!
These are awesome tips and I can’t agree more with you that our skin is a mirror of what we eat. I am a vegetarian, have yet to find the will to become a vegan but people like you really inspire me!
Hi Evelyn, thanks for tips, I have a few tips for you all who have acne on the face … apply a fresh fruit on your face every day…
Thanks for the tip!
Another great way to make your skin look better is to eat foods high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids or take a Omega supplement.
Eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, proper exercise, balance diet, taking vitamin and minerals. That is what I used to be right now. I need to manage my time because of my work. Sit all priorities to settle down things first.
Hi Cynthia,
Okay, thanks for stopping by!
Hi Kang,
You’re right…back to nature. I couldn’t agree with you more.
Thanks for chiming in!
I love beauty secrets :). Water and no junk food is one of the best ways to get great skin. I do skin brushing as well, it is part of my routine every day.
I noticed you mentioned grape seed oil, I recently discovered it, and WOW! I got the food grade one, and I noticed such an amazing skin improvements. I use to get breakouts on my arms and now they are gone, and the skin on my body is glowing like never before. So I started adding grape seed oil to my facial moisturizer, and I stopped getting breakouts of my face.
Argan oil is amazing too, but I only use it on my hair.
Hey Tatianna,
I do too and you have some good ones yourself. Love the oatmeal post.
That’s great that grape seed oil works well for you.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Mr. Charles!
Thank you!
That’s great about your observations with the supplement. You’ve found the fountain of youth. 😉
Thanks for stopping by!
Love your post! I’ve had eczema my whole 20 years of life, and i just now found the luxury of African black soap and using my own homemade natural shampoo/rinses/body washes/etc. I’ve been working on making my diet healthier every day for the past few weeks. Fish, by the way, is also VERY good for the skin, and I’ve found that once I started eating it more, I actually started craving it. My skin is still healing from a severe breakout, but the natural stuff and eating better is working wonders for me overall. Highly support your message! 🙂
Hi Hannah,
Love your name! 😉
Yes, African black soap is very good. Have you tried jojoba oil/shea butter? I think they are good too.
Fish is high in fatty acids which are very good for the skin. I’m glad your skin is healing. You may also consider doing some type of cleanse in the future, if you haven’t already done it. It helps cleanse the blood.
I’m glad you shared your testimony and what is working for you.
Take care,
Great post Evelyn! I also take water everywhere I go even on my desk when I’m working. I do walking as my exercise everyday. I’m using also green products on my skin specially on my skin. A healthy and green lifestyle!
Hi Evelyn,
Good to be here again.
Hi Phil,
Good to see you!
Wow, thank you for sharing the link. I changed it to reflect what you wanted to share. Why? Because the link you had required a login/invite.
Very good site. I will check it out in more.
Have a good weekend!
I had really problems with skin, 2 years ago i started to drink water instead coca cola, i do detox for 1 day every 2 weeks and i see really great results.
Hi Oliva,
Sodas are loaded with sugar and sugar can wreak havoc on the skin as well as the body. Your doing a detox is awesome.
Thank you for taking time to comment and for stopping by!
Take care,
All of these tips are so on point, Evelyn! I noticed a change in my skin–even a glow–when I adopted these practices, especially drinking more water. Thanks so much for sharing!
Hey Lycia,
Water is our best friend! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
It’s amazing how much of a difference I see in my skin when I drink enough water. A real, visible difference. The importance of water, I don’t think, will ever be known in depth through science.
It’s incredible how much better I can think too.
Hi Christian,
Welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by!
Water is so important!
Thanks for sharing!
Out of 10 steps you mentioned I follow most. But I do not use steps you mentioned Dry skin brushing and detox/cleansing. But remaining I do follow.
Hi DJ,
Thanks for chiming in. You should try dry skin brushing a few times. I think you will like it.
Take care,
Great post Evelyn. Enjoyed the useful tips.
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for stopping by!
Hi Evelyn,
Very nice job! Water, eating vegatables and fruits and exercise are my favorite. Just like you, I used not to drink much water. But since I knew the benefits of water, I incorporated drinking water in my life. Thanks for sharing Evelyn I love these kinds of post 🙂
Hi Dia,
Thank you, Dia!
It is great that you started drinking more water.
Awww…now you going to make me have the big head. 🙂 “just kidding”
Take care,
I’ve been meaning try a juice fast to detox but I chicken out because I’m hyper-acidic and my tummy would really ache. Is there anyway I can do about it?
Hi Jill,
If you’re hyper-acidic, I don’t see why a juice fast wouldn’t work for you. Green vegetable juices should bring things back into balance. Afraid of juicing, just make sure you dilute your juice and stick with vegetable juices instead of all fruit juices.
Take care,
Great post, Evelyn.
If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Evelyn in person…I can attest that her skin is flawless, she is beautiful, and healthy! Follow her guide and your skin will be flawless and healthy. 🙂
Hi Ms. Carolyn,
Thank you!
Awww…you are too much! 🙂
Take care,
Excellent article, contains everything that I do and preach. I take water with me everywhere i go, i keep a water bottle in my car, or a small water bottle in my backpack if am on my bike… can’t imagine going anywhere with out drinking water.
Great advice about staying away from junk food, it will not only keep the skin in good conditions but also prevent acne. Replacing junk food with salads will help the skin so much, and thanks to the junk food tax coming out, it will be budget friendly as well.
If someone follows these tips carefully, there will be no need to put any cosmetic stuff on their skin anyway.
Hi Uttoran,
Thank you! Water is one of the biggest keys.
Yeah, when I use to eat a lot of junk food, I would get bad skin break outs, I guess it would be considered acne. So you’re right about preventing acne.
You know, I don’t even wear make-up. I use to wear it all the time, but since I’ve changed my eating habits, there’s no need for it.
Thanks for chiming in!
You don’t need makeup!! You radiate —
I’m trying to wear less makeup….I only wear it when I’m going out on a date with my husband — or to church.
Have you found any “safe”, non-toxic makeup that’s not too expensive?
Oh, thank you! I’ve started back wearing a little make-up, but I’m more focused on healthy skin care. I love eye and lip makeup.
Not really…the makeup that is safe “non toxic” is very pricey. I’m still looking. When I find some, I’ll let you know.