Is staying active in the midst of a pandemic challenging for you? I’ll be the first to answer, yes!
However, I am finally ready to be active, fit, and healthy no matter what’s happening globally.
There is no reason for me to make excuses not to exercise because I have fitness equipment at home, plus I have two legs for walking; no excuses whatsoever.
Today, it’s all about fitness equipment you can use in the comfort of your home.
Buying Fitness Equipment
In 2014, I hired an online personal trainer who recommended specific fitness equipment.
I started buying fitness equipment and fitness books a little at a time.
And to date, I’m still buying new items. I recently bought a foam roller recommended by Bite-Size Fitness.

2021 is the Year to Get Fit
We are in the second month of 2021, and so far, I am doing well with fitness.
I’m working my way up to being more active every day, and I’m also working with a personal trainer.
Although fitness apps are useful, nothing takes the place of working with a real person who can help you get to where you want to go.
Ultimately, I will be active for a total of 70 minutes a day. I don’t expect fat/weight loss and building muscle to happen overnight.
Walking is a great way to burn calories, decrease stress hormones, and get clarity. Consistency, patience, and following through is the answer to getting the results you want to see.
Fitness Equipment that I Own
I started buying fitness equipment in 2014, and I still purchase a few pieces when needed.
Below are home fitness equipment I own:

To see all of my fitness equipment watch the video below: