Beautiful skin is something that many people love and strive for, but for some getting the skin they desire is a hard goal to reach.
Some people naturally have beautiful skin; thanks to mom and dad. Most people do not have it like that and as a result they are looking for the best next miracle product to give them perfect skin.
Let’s face it, there is really no miracle product that will give you perfect skin. Taking care of your skin is the first step in having beautiful skin, but the most important thing that you can do for your skin is to feed it from the inside out.
1. Drink more water.
You must drink more water and stay hydrated. The less water you drink the easier it is for you to get dehydrated.
If you get dehydrated, then your skin will look and feel dry. Water is important, especially since the body is mostly water (70%).
Water also gives your skin the moisture that it needs, which results in soft, supple and glowing skin.
Folks do not skimp on the water. Drink up!
2. Load up on fruits and vegetables.
You are probably tired of people telling you to eat more fruits and vegetables, because you know this already.
When I eat mostly raw foods (plant-based) along with steamed vegetables, my skin is almost flawless. However, when I eat junk foods it shows up on my skin. You are what you eat.
You do not have to eat raw foods for beautiful skin, but eating more fresh fruits and vegetables will help your skin. Try eating more fruits and vegetables for a week or two and you will see a change in your skin.
Eat your way to beautiful skin.
3. Lay off the junk food.
Junk food has its place, but you should not consume more junk food than you do healthy foods.
Consuming nothing but junk results in you looking like junk. If you want beautiful skin, you must pass on the junk food. Passing on the junk food is not easy, but you can do it.
Challenge yourself not to eat any junk food for a certain amount of time. Pay attention to the look and feel of your skin. Your skin should look better, if you do not cheat on your challenge.
Give up the junk and watch what happens.
4. Consume healthy fats.
Most people enjoy fried foods, especially us southerners. However, try decreasing the amount fried foods and other unhealthy fatty foods that you consume. That fat will find a way to come out and it usually comes out in the form of a pimple.
Instead of consuming unhealthy fatty foods, try eating healthy fats like avocados, seeds and nuts. Do not over eat healthy fats, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Fat is fat and if you eat too much it can slow down your weight loss progress.
Coconut oil makes an excellent skin moisturizer, provided that you do not have oily skin and allergies.
5. Use the appropriate skin care products.
Select products based on your skin type (normal, dry, combination, oily). If you are acne prone, you do not want to use products that put more oil on your skin, because it can lead to more breakouts.
Check out 10 Ways I Keep My Skin Healthy. Currently I use different products, but no matter what I always use Witch Hazel for toning. I do not use coconut oil on my face, because it is too heavy and it tends to clog my pores. I use a moisturizer after cleansing only if my skin feels dry.
Give your skin what it needs when it needs it.
6. Keep your hands off your face.
Stop touching and picking with your skin (face). Nails are dirty and sometimes cause skin breakouts and rashes. If you must touch your face, be gentle and mindful of how your touch your skin.
Do not pick with black or white heads. Picking results in scars and dark marks and take time to remove. Instead, use a product that helps treat the skin issue that you have.
Take good care of your skin and it will take care of you.
Discussion: What are your secrets to beautiful skin? Do share.
Image courtesy of Satit Srihin /
Oh my gosh Give your skin what it needs and when it needs it is the absolute truth. Passing the 50 mark proved this statement to be a bigger truth than I could ever imagine Evelyn. Hormones and genes gave way to eczema that kicked in big time. My skin feels like it belongs to someone else it changed so drastically. I have found that the one thing that wreaks havoc on the skin is stress. Even with a great diets and proper care, the skin is very much affected by stress. Finding stress relievers is a must for women such as myself.
Hi Kathy,
Good to see and thank you for your twitter support.
Stress is something.
I appreciate you sharing your experience with your skin. I never really connected stress with our skin, but I definitely see the connection now. We must not let stress get to us and as you have said, “finding stress relievers is a must.”
Another good tip, thanks! 😉
Great list!! However, I would be weary about putting coconut oil on your face, I tried it for a little while and… I broke out badly and I DO NOT BREAK OUT! However, coconut oil on my hands and legs is great 🙂
Hi GiGi,
I appreciate you chiming in and sharing your experience with using coconut oil.
Coconut oil is comedogenic and that’s also why some people break out. I can’t use it on my face anymore.
Enjoy your day!
Lots of good common sense advice. One other action people can take is to exercise cardiovascularly, which brings blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the skin’s surface and enhances circulation at the surface.
Hey Kymberly,
Absolutely, exercise!
Thanks for being specific on the type of exercise we should do and why. Very helpful! 😉
Take care!
Great post! I suffered from acne prone/oily skin most of my life from the time I was a teen. I tried everything – prescription and over the counter. It was not until last year that my skin truly began to improve. After consistently eating fresh fruits and vegetables everyday AND loading up on water, my skin and overall health has improved drastically! My husband has commented on the changes. For a long time, I thought that eating my overcooked vegetables was enough. As a southerner, I once thought that was the only way to eat cooked vegetables – until I realized that all of the nutrients were cooked away. Thank God for knowledge! I know better, and I am doing better. I am now learning to eat a different way. Sometimes, it is challenging, but, I love the benefits! Thanks for all of the helpful advice on your blog!
Hi Trinity,
What an amazing testimony. Your husband taking notice makes it all worthwhile. 😉
Yeah, I feel you with the overcooked vegetables. I used to be the same way, but like you said when we know better we do better.
Yes, it is challenging. When you consider the benefits, it helps us to stay in the game.
When I feel like giving up, someone will let me know that I’m doing the right thing. I’m glad you find the information helpful. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your experience and for stopping by!
Have an good week!
Love this, Evelyn! Great tips!!
One of my secrets to beautiful skin is to take 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning. I also take a cotton ball and put it on my skin at night before going to bed. Apple cider vinegar is food for the body inside out and outside in! 😉
Hey Ms. Carolyn!
Awesome secret!
Apple cider vinegar is good for many things. I think I’ll have to try this very soon.
I couldn’t wait, I went and mixed the acv with water and added black strap molasses.
Thanks for this reminder, I’m on it. 😉