I have written about wanting fast weight loss, but this post is not about weight loss, but more about wanting any goal you set to happen fast.
Anything that happens fast is not always the best for you. Being patient is the most important thing you can do for yourself.
The inspiration for this post came from a person I follow on Instagram (Fitumme). I never thought I would ever have a favorite social media site, but Instagram is one of my favorite social media sites.
You Tube comes in second followed by Twitter.
The Low-Carb High-Fat Ketogenic people I have connected with on Instagram are the most supportive, helpful and best group of people I have ever connected with on social media.
Thank you, Fitumme for sharing the photo and helping me on my journey.
Nothing Blooms All Year
Stop and think about nature for a moment. What do you notice about nature?
One of the main things that I notice is a time and season for everything to rest and to bloom.
The grass knows when to turn green. It does not stay green all year. There is a good reason the grass does not stay green all year round. Grass turns green and gets full of life when the weather and other conditions are just right.
The bees, butterflies, and other little critters and insects make their début when the environment is conducive to their survival.
Be Patient with Yourself
Achieving your goals takes time. I want the little belly fat that clings to my abdomen to go away, but I reminded of patience
The foundation for being patient with yourself is following through and never giving up.
When it is time for you to bloom, you will bloom. Keep this in mind; when you bloom you blossom.
Trust that in due time you will bloom, but until then be inspired, encouraged, motivated, open to learning, doing what is necessary, and being patient with yourself.
And let us not be wearing in well doing: for in due season we shall reap; if we faint not. ~ Galatians 6:9 KJV
Excellent post!
Thanks, Ms. Carolyn!
I don’t want to be patient; I want it now! lol
Okay, let me take a breath… ahhh, better. I fully understand this one. It completes the story that says it took most of us years to get into the position we’re in and it just might take as long to get back if we start on it today. It was coming to an epiphany about 20 months ago which led me to walking as much as I do, and even if massive weight loss hasn’t been the result of it, weight loss was never my goal, and I’ve not only achieved my goal, and pretty quickly I might add, but I lost a lot of inches and was fitting into clothes I thought I’d never have any right to wear again.
That second part has taken time by the way, but I haven’t minded the journey one bit, and I continue on the path.
I know what you mean about wanting it now. 🙂
That’s awesome, Mitch! Losing inches is a great way to gauge where you are and what’s going on. The belly fat is melting down and that’s wonderful. I love this report!!
Hang in there and continue your journey.